The State Hermitage Museum (St. Petersburg).The exhibition in the General Staff building

Kassirova Anastasia Alekseevna (1991).The State Hermitage Museum (St. Petersburg).The exhibition in the General Staff building: [photo] / photo AA Kassirova.- Electronic data (4 files, JPEG: 10,5 MB).-Sankt Petersburg, 17 October 2018 -Access: Internet portal of the Presidential Library.Photo provided by the author.Place and Date: St. Petersburg, October 17, 2018.users copying is not allowed..1. The State Hermitage Museum (St. Petersburg City).Museum of Art XIX - XX centuries - Photos.2. The people (set).3. The area (collection).4. The territory of Russia: St. Petersburg, the city (the collection).5. Hermitage (collection).6. Documentary photography.BBK 63.3 (2-2SPb) 64ya611BBK 79.147.16 (2-2SPb) ya611an electronic copy of the source: from private collectionThe storage location of the original: From the private collection
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