The development of trade and economic integration of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union in the context of joining the ...

Petrova, Anna AndreevnaDevelopment of trade and economic integration of the Eurasian Economic Union countries in the conditions of accession to the World Trade Organization: the dissertation author's abstract on the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences: specialty 08.00.14 / Petrov Anna Andreevna;[S.-Petersburg.StateECON.UN-T].- St. Petersburg, 2018. -20 p.: Il.;21 cm .. -Place of protection: S.-Petersburg.StateECON.un-t.- List of work Avt.: With.18-20 (18 Names)..1. The World Trade Organization is the dissertation abstracts.2. Power (collection).3. Russia and the countries of the world (collection).4. Russian State and Economics (Collection).5. World economy.6. Countries of the Eurasian Economic Union - Economic Relations - Dissertation Authorities.BBK 65.9 (051) y031BBK 65.428.8-65Я031Source of an electronic copy: SPbGEU.Website
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