Forms and directions of integration cooperation of the EAEU countries in conditions

Zhang Vantin (candidate of economic sciences).Forms and directions of integration cooperation of the EAEU countries in the context of hypercarrence: abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of economic sciences: specialty 08.00.14 / Zhang Vantin;[St. Petersburg State Economic University of Aerospace Instrumentation].-St. Petersburg, 2018. -21 p.: silt.;21 cm .. -Place of protection: S.-Peterb.state.Econ.un-t.- List of works Auth.: P.21 (10 names).- Bibliogr.In the tuning.Note..1. The Eurasian Economic Union - Economic Relations - the People's Republic of China - Author of dissertations.2. Power (collection).3. Russia and countries of the world (collection).4. Russian state and economics (collection).5. The world economy.6. International organizations - integration policy.7. The Chinese People’s Republic - foreign policy - 21th century.- Abstracts of dissertations.BBK 65.9 (051) I031BBK 65.9 (5kit) I031BBK 65.54y031Source of electronic copy: SPbGEU.Website
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