The Presidential Library’s Knowledge Forum dedicated to Peter the Great

6 October 2022

On October 5-6, the Presidential Library hosed the annual Knowledge Forum – a series of events on topical scientific and practical issues of the present time.

In 2022, the Knowledge Forum was dedicated to the legacy of Peter I, relevance of this topic and possibility of its use in the educational process. The historical building of the Synod at Senate Square, 3 has brought together scientists, students and schoolchildren, teachers and methodologists.

The first event of the forum was a scientific and educational conference. The program of presentations by leading scientists has covered a wide range of topics: from the first years of the establishment of St. Petersburg to the art of the Peter’s era and Peter I’s hobbies.

A video lecture within the cycle “You are immortal, Great Peter!: Marking the 350th anniversary since the birth of Peter I”, organized together with the Novy Chasovoy magazine, was held on the same day. Participants of the event have learned the details of the first Russian emperor’s travel to France, as well as about the first biography of Peter the Great, published in Venice in 1737. It is a work that combined the scattered information from the Dutch, French, Swedish and other sources, and formed the basis of all biographies of the tsar, written in the XVIII century. The digitized copy of the publication of 1772 in Russian can be found on the Presidential Library’s portal.

The recording of the event is available on the institution’s Rutube-channel.

On October 6, a series of practical lessons was held for teachers and methodologists within the framework of the Knowledge Forum. Thus, at the workshop “The potential of multimedia lessons of the Presidential Library” participants have learned about the use in the school curriculum of the multimedia lessons format, implemented by the Presidential Library. The presentation of the new multimedia lesson “Truly the First. Peter the Great” has also taken place.

Within the pedagogical laboratory “Resources of the Presidential Library as a source of knowledge about the Peter’s era”, participants have explored the electronic collection Peter I (1672–1725) and selected materials that they believe will be interesting for teachers themselves, for schoolchildren to use during lessons, and for self-development.

At the master class “Student’s choice of research and project topics”, the experience of conducting interactive techniques with high school students, aimed at finding the problem and formulating the research topic, has been presented.

The recording of the event is available on the institution’s Rutube-channel.