Russian saints in unique materials of the Presidential Library

23 July 2013

New rare books about Russian saints joined the electronic holdings of the Presidential Library. On the eve of the 1025th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia to be celebrated on July 28, 2013, the first national digital library of Russia has significantly enlarged its collections of rarities devoted to saints of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The unique collection of materials includes a diary of John of Kronstadt, published during the saint's life in 1893. The book presents the "fugitive volatile notes," as Archpriest John called his notes in the preface to the edition. They contain many thoughts about the nature of the Orthodox faith. Thus, it presents the reflections on the essence of going to church services. "People often call a prayer something which has nothing to do with it. Someone went to the church, stood and looked at the icons, or, above all, at people; he shook his head and said - I prayed to God. Although his thoughts and his heart did not pray, he was somewhere else with other people and things," writes John of Kronstadt.

The editions telling about the spiritual heroism of the saint include rich memories of the parishioners of St. Andrew Cathedral on Kotlin Island, where the archpriest served. The 1909 book, "Father John of Kronstadt" explains that during the services he "spoke the words abruptly and loudly, giving each of them a special meaning and significance. This was a living, profound pronunciation fulfilled with meaning and animation. And after the service people were waiting for the priest, thirsting for his comfort..."

Geography of the books about John of Kronstadt published in the late 19th - early 20th century is quite extensive – there have been digitized rare editions not only from St. Petersburg, but from Kiev, Yaroslavl, Kazan, Vladikavkaz, and the printing house of Pochaiv Dormition Lavra.

In time for the 1025-th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia, other rare books about the saints of the Russian Orthodox Church also joined digital collections of the Presidential Library. Among them - the 1894 edition, "The Life of St. Sergius of Radonezh the Wonderworker,” the 1889 book "Public value of St. Sergius and the Trinity St. Sergius Lavra." The collection was also enriched with audio recordings of the lives of saints Seraphim of Sarov, Sergius of Radonezh, intended for children and students

The Presidential Library will continue to acquire materials telling about the history of Christianity and of the saints, the history of relations of church and state. The work will be done in close cooperation with the Russian Orthodox Church. The first national digital library of Russia highly appreciates the attention of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill, who May 29, 2013 praised the work carried out here. Patriarch visited the Presidential Library as part of the meeting of the Holy Synod held in St. Petersburg.