The Presidential Library is developing a “revolutionary” collection

6 November 2015

November 7, 2017 will mark the centennial of one of the most significant events in the history of Russia, the October Revolution. The Presidential Library continues to collect and digitize new sources, such as rare books, letters, photographs, films to build up of a new "revolutionary" collection in time for the anniversary date. To date, more than relevant 100 items have been collected.

Among the digitized publications there are books created on the initiative of the so-called Istpart – a Commission for collecting and studying of materials on the history of the October Revolution and the history of the RCP (B). The agency was established 3 years after the revolution in 1920. The library’s collection contains such a book of Istpart as, "The Year of the struggle" which presents articles and memoires of active workers of the Moscow organization of the Bolsheviks including the description of the situation around the Kremlin.

The edition "October 1917" tells about the situation on the eve of the Revolution. The book "Moscow in October” brings together the memories of the Red Guards, participants of the October fighting. The publication "The counter-revolution in 1917" tells about the activities of the Supreme Commander of the Russian Army General L. Kornilov.

In general, the publications contain speeches of Lenin, the chronology of meetings and demonstrations, propaganda articles in newspapers, informational struggle with the Provisional Government. The collection also presents the works of the main figures of the socio-political system of the time: Trotsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Lenin and his de facto secretary Bonch-Bruevich. There is also a book showing the year of 1917 in a satirical aspect. There are materials from the magazines of political satire, such as "Bich", "Baraban", "Magazine of magazines", "New Satyricon" and others.

It should be noted that the process of preparing the uprising was controversial even at the level of the party. Lenin’s determination was opposed by the doubts of famous Central Committee members, Kamenev and Zinoviev, who questioned not only the feasibility of the uprising but the idea of the leader to give all the power to the Soviets alone. However, most members of the party (10 vs. 2) were set up to carry it to the conclusion. Lenin's idea was a complete and speedy destruction of the bourgeois class by revolution.

"Near Petrograd and in Petrograd - that's where the rebellion may and should be decided and implemented, as seriously as possible, as fast as possible and as energetically as possible. The fleet of Kronstadt, Vyborg and Revel can and must advance to Petrograd, crush the Kornilov regiments, defeat both capitals," says Lenin in his "Letter to the Bolshevik delegates of the Congress of Soviets of the Northern Region" excerpts of which are available in S. Piontkovsky’s "October 1917."

On the basis of the featured materials one can understand himself the problems of history, which are still subjected to varying interpretations; study the approaches of the Provisional Government to the solution of agricultural, financial, labor issues; see the prerequisites of the revolutionary movement; evaluate the role of the party and the individual; understand the idea of creating a classless socialist society.

The Presidential Library constantly enriches its collections with new documents that reveal the meaning and consequences of the October revolution both domestically and internationally. This year the library held video lectures on the subject. The newsreel showing the events in Petrograd and the country after the revolution joined the collection. There was digitized a photo album telling about the events of those key days.  

Materials available on the website and in the network of electronic reading rooms may be useful for pupils, students, specialists in the fields of history, sociology, psychology, socio-political organizations in general.

The Presidential library will continue to digitize rare archival documents on the events of October 1917, which have a significant impact on political, social and organizational ways of development of our state.