The Presidential Library films continue “The Presidential Chronicle”

16 February 2016

As part of a large-scale project "The Presidential Chronicle" the Presidential Library has completed two films, one of which tells about the history of emergence of the most important attributes of the presidential power, such as the Standard (flag) and the Emblem of the President of the Russian Federation (not to be confused with the state symbols of power - the flag, the coat of arms, the anthem). The second film is about the personal library of the President of the country.

The film directed by the Presidential Library filmmaker Tatiana Dyakonova, "Symbols of the Presidential Power" tells in detail about the history and content of the Russian statehood fasces. The main expert on the subject and one of the co-authors of the script was the Chief King of Arms of Russia, Chairman of the Heraldic Council under the President of Russia, George V. Vilinbakhov. Throughout the entire film, he comments on the key aspects of creating new symbols of the presidential power for the new Russia.

The custom of raising the flag at the presence of the head of state, the commander of the army appeared in Russia in ancient times. The evidence of this can be found in a number of sources at the Presidential Library, for example, in an electronic copy of the historical essay, "The Battle of the Neva and the Battle on the Ice" by Sergei Krotkov.

Since the age of Peter the Great, the Imperial standard has been performing representative functions. It was raised at the place where the emperor was at the moment. For example, when the tsar arrived to a ship (yacht), the flag was raised there.

This tradition has not changed: the Presidential Library film shows the Presidential standard rising on board of the boat, where Vladimir Putin arrives.

Important orders made by the Kremlin to produce flags are filled by the main supplier of the presidential standards and Russian tricolors, Yevgeny Grebenyuk and his company, located in Lomonosov. The film crew managed to obtain a detailed interview with the master, in which Evgeny reveals some methods of his ancient craft using innovative technologies.

It seems that the part of the film telling about the creation of the Emblem of the President, will draw the attention of all those interested in the history of Russian state and its inherent symbols of power.


In the framework of the project "The Presidential Chronicle" the Presidential Library has also completed the film about the "personal library" of the President - the Library of the Russian Presidential Administration. The film director Nikolai Raytsev managed to show large-scale activities and the specifics of this important state institution, which has become a working tool for the Russian leaders.

Currently, the Library of the Russian Presidential Administration is a modern unit, having a powerful information system based on the latest media. Its holdings include more than two million documents - Russian and foreign books, magazines, newspapers, official documents and electronic editions. The library holds the complete Code of Laws of the Russian Empire, the publications of various state institutions of pre-revolutionary Russia. There is also the "History of the Governing Senate for 200 years" in 5 volumes issued in 1910 and other sources.

The filmmakers give a detailed description of the main storage unit in the personal library of the President - the inaugural copy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The library of the official residence of the President is a multifunctional informational and educational center and is also used for representative purposes. It hosts the meeting of the President of the Russian Federation with scientists, writers, public figures, which is shown in a new film of the Presidential Library.