Journal of Law: Journal of the Legal Society at the Imperial St. Petersburg University. - St. Petersburg, 1871-1906 |
G. 35 1905, book. 3 (March). - 1905. - Sect. pag. - Contents: National representation in constitutional states. Article 1-I. The Suffrage / S. Ya. Tseitlin. Zemsky representation / PP Gronsky. The political doctrine of J. J. Rousseau in her attitude to the teaching of Montesquieu about the balance of power and in the coverage of one of her newest interpreters / prof. A. S. Alekseev. The alleged archaisms of the criminal law of the "Russian Pravda" / prof. N. N. Maksimeyko. Review of the obligation law on the Saxon and German regulations / KN Annenkov. Crimes prosecuted only on the complaint of the victim and the reform of criminal law in Russia / pref. L. Ya. Tauber. On the protection of civil rights of the indigenous inhabitants of the Kingdom of Poland in the courts of the Empire / NM Reinke. Literary Review: The severity of the presentation of evidence. Leonhard. Die Beweislast, 1904 / Priv.-Assoc. B. V. Popov. Administrative chronicle / NL Announcements
1. The legal society (St. Petersburg, city). -- Periodicals. 2. Power (collection). 3. Law - Periodicals. 4. Juridical journals - Russia - 19 - 20 centuries. |
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