Historical and geographical dictionary of the Saratov province. T. 1. Southern counties: Kamyshinsky and Tsaritsynsky

Minh, Alexander Nikolaevich (1833-1912).    
Historical and geographical dictionary of the Saratov province / comp. AN Minh, a member of Rus. geogr. Islands .... - Saratov: printing plant of the Provincial Zemstvo, 1898-1902
Т. 1: Southern counties: Kamyshinsky and Tsaritsynsky / st. under the supervision of member. Sarat. scientist. archive. commis. S. A. Shcheglova. Issue. 3, Lit. L - F. - 1901. - [4], 557-1094 p., 17 h. kart. : ill. .
I. Scheglov, Sergei Alexandrovich (1861-1915) .1. Territory of Russia (collection). 2. Russian language (collection). 3. Saratov Gubernia - Directories.
BBK 26.89 (235.54) I23
BBK 63.3 (28-8Sar) 531y23
Electronic copy source: PB
Location on the original: ГПИБ
Publisher типография Губернского земства
Catalogue object