The Kiev province. The plan of the first part of the city of Kiev in Kiev with a testimony on it in which places are assigned th...

      Russia. Ministry of the Interior. Technical and Construction Committee.
The Kiev province. The plan of the Vladimir first part of the city of Kiev with the indication in which it is in what places are assigned the construction of the newly stone provincial offices [Case]: 1804 - 1804. - 1 sheet. - (Fund of the Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Inventory No. 168, Kiev Gubernia). -
Title on the folder: Plan of the 1 st Vladimirsky part of the mountains. Kiev ...
The business reflects the planned construction of the Vladimir first part of the city of Kiev: the Vladimir Church; buildings for church ministers; places for garden and garden; two stone buildings for the presence of seats (instead of wooden ones); the wooden palace of His Imperial Majesty with stone services, a stable yard and a garden; a stone official Klovsky house of the Kiev Civil Governor, with a stable yard and a garden; philistine yards with buildings and gardens. Architect Andrey Melensky. Scale: 5 sazhen in 1 cm. Cardboard. Ink, pencil, watercolor .
I. Melensky, Andrei Ivanovich (architect, 1766-1833). 1. Territory (collection). 2. Buildings - Kiev, city (Ukraine) - Plans. 3. Kiev, city (Ukraine) - Planning and construction - 19th century. - Plans.
ББК 63.3 (28-8Кие-2Киев) 52я64
ББК 85.118я64
Source of electronic copy: РГИА
Location on the secret of the original: РГИА. F. 1293. Op. 168. Kiev Bay. D. 6.
Catalogue object