Red flag. 1930, No. 82-44 (Apr. 8)

Red banner: the daily newspaper of the Tyumen City Committee of the CPSU (B.) And the City Council of Working People's Deputies / Ed. A. A. Nezhdanov. - Tyumen: Type. publishing house "Red Flag", [1923] -
1930, No. 82-44 (Apr. 8). - 8 sec. .
1. USSR - History - 1922 - 1941 - Periodicals. 2. The Ural region - History - Periodicals. 3. Tyumen, city - History - Periodicals. 4. Regional newspapers - Tyumen, city.
ББК 63.3 (2Рос-4Ура) я51
Source of electronic copy: Tyumen OMB
Location on the original: Тюменская ОНБ
Publisher Тип. изд-ва "Красное знамя"
Catalogue object
из 4