Materials for geography and statistics of Russia, collected by officers of the General Staff. [T. 15]. Minsk Province

Materials for geography and statistics of Russia, collected by the officers of the General Staff: [v. 1-] . - St. Petersburg: [Main Directorate of the General Staff], 1859-
[T. 15]: Minsk province. Part 2 / comp. Gene. Staff Lieutenant-Colonel I. Zelensky. - 1864. - 718 p., 21 l. table, 1 liter. to. - Bibliogr. in a substring. note. .
1. Territory of Russia (collection). 2. Minsk province - Statistics. 3. Minsk province - Geography.
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The place where the original was stored: ЦВМБ
Publisher [Главное управление Генерального штаба]
Catalogue object