[R. Argut near the mouth. Altai

[R. Argut near the mouth. Altai [Izomaterial] = La rivière Argout près de l'embouchure. Altaї]: postcard. - Stockholm: Acc. Granberg Island, [191?]. - Tsv. offset; 13,8x8,8. - Nablanke Universal Postal Union. - An open letter. - Ver. is indicated on the back of the postcard. - Image vertical .
1. Territory of Russia (collection). 2. Argut, the river (Altai) - beg. 20 cent. -- Postcards. 3. Postcards.
1. the river. 2. postcard. 3. Postcard
BBK 26.89 (285.37.21)
Electronic copy source: Altai KUNB
The original storage area: Алтайская КУНБ
Publisher Акц. О-во Гранберг
Catalogue object