Author Ремезов Семен Ульянович Description Drawing of the land of the Irkutsk city [Maps] = Caert des Lands en Stadt Ircutscoy met de zee Baykal: sheet [18]. - [B. m-ba] . 1. Territory of Russia (collection). 2. Irkutsk, city - Geography - beg. 18 century. - Maps. 3. Geographic maps. BBK 26.89 (28-8 Irk-2 Irkutsk) 5я64 Source of electronic copy: Irkutsk OGUNB Location on the original: Иркутская ОГУНБ Publisher Археографическая комиссия Catalogue object Страноведение. Краеведение Collections Archaeographic Commission → SOURCES ON HISTORY OF SIBERIA Territory of Russia → Maps and plans → Plans of settlements → Иркутск [Иркутская губерния]