Birthday anniversary of Alexander Mozhaysky, a Russian researcher and inventor in the field of aeronautics

21 March 1825

On 9 (21) March 1825 in the town of Rochensalm (now Kotka, Finland) was born a Russian researcher and inventor in the field of design of heavier-than-air craft, Counter-Admiral Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaysky.

In 1841 Mozhaysky graduated from nautical military school in St.-Petersburg and started to serve as a naval cadet on the warships of Baltic Navy. In 1853-1855 he took part in the march on board of ‘Diana’ frigate to the coasts of Japan via Atlantic and Pacific oceans. In 1858 Mozhaysky participated in Khiva expedition. He organized its travel on the specially constructed ships and made the first description of Aral Sea basin and Amu Darya river basin. From 1862 to 1879 Alexander Fedorovich served in numerous civil departments and then returned to the military service.

In the end of 1860 A. Mozhaysky got down to the theory and practice of flight in real earnest: he studied thoroughly the flight of birds, kites, work of propellers and began to research a possibility of creation of a heavier-than-air craft. After a series of researches and experiments Mozhaysky started to design a heavier-than-air craft. 1876-1877 he successfully demonstrated the flights of the model of his craft which was put into effect by a clock spring.

On 3 November 1881 the Department of commerce and manufacture gave Alexander Fedorovich the first letters patent for the invented aircraft which contained all the essential elements of the modern airplane. In the same year in Krasnoye Selo near Petersburg began the construction of an aircraft with two steam engines with the horsepower of 20 and 10 units. 

In the summer of 1883 Mozhaysky completed the assemblage of the craft which was the first Russian life aircraft having reached the stage of flights tests. The constructed aircraft had significant constructive differences from the one declared in the patent: its framework was made of wood; side propellers were put into effect by a more powerful stream engine; all three propellers had the same diameter, etc.

During one of the tests the aircraft managed to take off but after that heeled and damaged a wing.

Not receiving any support from the Military ministry A. F. Mozhaysky continued to improve his invention at his own expense but did not complete his work.

Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaysky was the first to reject the idea to create an engine with flapping wings and the first to design the construction of the aircraft with a wing stationary relative to the frame. The aircraft of Mozhaysky is interesting as one of the first practical efforts to construct an airplane piloted by a man.

Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaysky died on 21st March, 1890 and was buried on Smolensk cemetery in St. Petersburg.


Lit.: Александр Федорович Можайский – создатель первого самолёта. Сборник документов. М., 1955; Вишенков С. А. Александр Можайский. М., 1952; Космодемьянский А. А. Александр Фёдорович Можайский // Вопросы истории естествознания и техники. М., 1975. Вып. 2 (51); Крылов В. Я. Александр Фёдорович Можайский. Л., 1951.; То же [Электронный ресурс] URL:; Шавров В. Б. История конструкций самолетов в СССР до 1938 г. М., 1985.


Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

Никулин Ю. А. Александр Федорович Можайский – русский морской офицер и авиаконструктор: жизнь и деятельность : (1825-1890 гг.) : автореферат диссертации на соискание учёной степени кандидата исторических наук. СПб., 2006.