The first General University Charter was issued

17 November 1804

On November 5 (17) 1804 the Emperor Alexander I signed the first General University Charter, which granted a significant autonomy to the universities.

At the beginning of Alexander I reign during implementation of educational reforms was being set up a new system of public education: new types of educational institutions were being organized, principles of organization of the whole education system, continuity of different stages and forms of education were being worked out.

In 1802 was established the Ministry of Public Education; the next year were issued tentative regulations of public education, which stipulated foundation of a whole system of secondary and primary educational institutions around the university: gymnasiums, district and parish schools. On November 5 (17) 1804 were approved charters of the Moscow, Kharkov and Kazan Universities, as well as a charter of educational institutions subordinate to universities.

Universities were proclaimed a special higher institution for teaching various sciences to prepare the youth for taking various Public service ranks.

Under the 1804 Charter the internal structure of universities was based on the principles of an absolute autonomy in all the affairs, concerning the work of the university corporation.

The center of the university self-government was a council, whose members included ordinary and extraordinary professors, headed by the rector (president), who was elected from ordinary professors for one year. Affairs of university self-government related to curriculum were managed by faculty assemblies, while the police, economical and judicial issues — by the Board. Faculty assemblies consisted of professors of various faculties headed by deans, elected by the council. The Board presided over by rector, included deans and an assessor assigned by the trustee from the number of ordinary professors.

Not only did universities play the role of educational institutions, but also that of administrative institutions, as gymnasiums and primary schools of the university’s district were entrusted to them. Being the center, which controlled district colleges, the university appointed and removed the caretakers, teachers, presented directors of provincial gymnasiums for the Minister’s approval; sent visitors (inspectors) from the number of professors to inspect the colleges.

During the reign of the Emperor Nicholas I was issued a new Charter of 1835, which released universities from being in charge of secondary and primary district educational institutions, and on the other hand, significantly limited the autonomy of the university management, placing universities under the control of educational district administrators.

Lit.: Андреев А. Ю. Российские университеты XVIII — первой половины XIX века в контексте университетской истории Европы. М., 2009; Дерюжинский В. Ф. Полицейское право. Пособие для студентов. СПб., 1903. Гл. 7. Высшие учебные заведения; Полякова Н. В. Складывание российской системы образования // Социально-политический журнал. 1998. № 3; Рождественский С. В. Исторический обзор деятельности Министерства народного просвещения. 1802-1902. СПб., 1902; Савин М. В. 200 лет первому университетскому Уставу в России // Университетское управление. 2004. № 3.

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Университетский устав 1863 года. СПб., 1863. С. 60;

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