Disease and death of Gogol

Bazhenov, Nikolai Nikolayevich (1857-1923).
Disease and death of Gogol: (Dedicated to the memory of the late professor of the Moscow University, SS Korsakov): Publ. reading in the year. meeting of the Moscow. Islands of neuropathologists and psychiatrists / N.N. Bazhenov. - Moscow: Tipo-lit. t-va I.N. Kusneryrev and Co., 1902. -38 p. ; 24 cm. -
Bibliography. in the note
I. Gogol, Nikolai Vasilyevich (1809-1852). II. Korsakov, SS.1. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: SPbSU
Publisher типо-литография Товарищества И. Н. Кушнерев и К°
Catalogue object