Russia. His Imperial Majesty's Cabinet. Cameral Department
Introduction of the head of the Chamber Office of His Imperial Majesty's Cabinet VV Sipyagin of December 2, 1897, with proposals for a response gift from Empress Alexandra Feodorovna to the wife of the Chinese envoy Young-Yu (L. 12-13), an accompanying report compiled by Prince E.E. Ukhtomsky and containing a description and evaluation of the items presented to Her Imperial Majesty by the wife of the Chinese envoy (L. 10-11) [Document]. - 1897. - 4 liters. - (The Cabinet of His Imperial Majesty's Cabinet, Inventory No. 8)
1. Alexandra Fedorovna (Empress of Russia, 1872 - 1918) - Presents. 2. Young-Yu (Chinese Envoy). 3. Russia - China: the way to meet (collection). 4. Emperors - Gifts - China - con. 19th century. - Documents and materials. |
ББК 63.3 (2) 53-8Александра Федоровна.ю1 ББК 63.3 (5Кит) 5-8ю1
Prince EE Ukhtomsky accompanied the Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich in his journey to the East in 1890-1891. |
Source of electronic copy: РГИА Location on the paper: РГИА Ф. 468 Op. 8 D. 295. L. 10-11, 12-13