Reserve nature of St. Petersburg

The nature reserve of St. Petersburg: [album] / Committee for Nature Management, Environmental Protection and Ensuring Ecological Safety of St. Petersburg; under the general editorship of Cand. geogr. Sciences of D. A. Golubev. - St. Petersburg, 2004. -199, [1] p. : color. yl. ; 23x28 cm. -
The text is parallel in Russian and English.
. -ISBN 5-85952-063-8 .
I. Golubev, Dmitry Alekseevich (ecologist). II. St. Petersburg. Committee on Nature Use, Environmental Protection and Ensuring Environmental Safety. Territory (collection). 2. Territory of Russia: St. Petersburg, city (collection). 3. Natural wealth of Russia (collection). 4. Natural territories especially protected - St. Petersburg, city - Albums.
ББК 28.088л6 (2-2СПб) я61
Source of the electronic copy: Directorate of Especially Protected Natural Areas of St. Petersburg
Location on the original: Directorate of Especially Protected Natural Territories of St. Petersburg
ISBN 5-85952-063-8
Catalogue object