‘Brezhnev’ constitution adopted

7 October 1977

‘Brezhnev’ constitution was adopted on October 7, 1977 by the Supreme Soviet instead of ‘Stalin’ constitution of 1936. This document went down in history as the ‘constitution of the developed socialism’ because it stated the building in USSR of the ‘developed socialist society’ and creation of ‘national state’.

In spite of continuity with previous constitutions of 19181924, 1936, the General Law of 1977 was on the higher level of constitutional legislation. This constitution authorized each Soviet Republic to leave USSR and also to take a legislative initiative in supreme government bodies of the Union. The document included new forms of ‘immediate democracy’ – national discussion and referendum, as well as new civil rights: right to appeal against officials’ conduct, right for legal defense against encroachment on honor and dignity, right to criticize state and social organizations, etc. The right for labor was now supplemented by the right to choose a profession and to work according to vocation, aptitudes, professional training and education of a citizen, also taking into consideration social demands. For the first time the rights for health protection, habitation, use of cultural achievements, freedom of creation were assigned. The law accentuated ‘inseparable connection’ between rights and obligations.

Unfortunately, in conditions of the state system of the age and one-party political system (under ‘the guiding and leading role’ of the Communist party), many rights legalized by the Constitution of 1977, such as the freedom of speech and publishing, were no more than a declaration. The housing program had not been completely realized either. However, the Constitution of 1977 brought the law nearer to the legal practice of the age.

During ‘perestroika’ times, the Constitution of 1977 had been seriously amended in order to widen the rights and freedoms of citizens. But in the end of 1991 it ceased to exist due to the collapse of the state to which it had served as a General Law for fifteen years.

Lit.: Исаев И. А. История государства и права России. М., 2004; Конституция (Основной закон) Союза Советских Социалистических Республик. М., 1977; То же [Электронный ресурс]. URL:http://www.constitution.garant.ru/DOC_1449448.htm; Чистяков О. И. Развитие Конституции Российской Федерации. М., 1980.

Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

Конституция (основной закон) Союза Советских Социалистических Республик : Принята на внеочередной седьмой сессии Верховного Совета СССР девятого созыва 7 октября 1977 года. М., 1977;

Constitution – Basic law: [digital collection].