Wanderer. G. 53 1912, August

Wanderer: spiritual scholarly-literary magazine: G 1-58 - G 1-58-St. Petersburg: V Grechulevich, 1860-1917 -
Index of the spiritual scholarly-literary journal "Strannik" for the 3rd five-year anniversary of its publication (1870 -1875 d) SPb, 1875
Index of the spiritual scholarly-literary journal "The Wanderer" for the first decade of its publication (1860-1869) St. Petersburg, 1870
Publisher: 1860 - 1876 September, the priest V. Grechulevich; 1876 ​​October - 1880 August the priest S Protopopov; 1880 September / October - 1885 August A Vasilkov, A Ponomarev, E Prilezhayev; 1885 September - 1892 June / July A Vasilkov, L Ponomarev; 1892 August - 1899 April A and Ponomarev (from 1898 without specifying a publisher); 1899 October - 1904 August, Professor A. Lopukhin (in part No. № without specifying a publishing house); 1904 September - 1917 RA Artemyeva (nee Lopukhina)
Subtitle: 1860-1882 Spiritual Scientific and Literary Journal (on the cover of 1860-1874 without subtitle, since 1875: Spiritual Journal); 1883-1899 Spiritual Journal; 1900-1917 The Spiritual Journal of Modern Life, Science and Literature (on the cover: The Spiritual Journal)
In 1870, 4 title pages of the volumes
T 1 were attached to the magazine, including articles from the general section of the journal for January-June, T 2 July-December; T 3 - section of bibliography, chronicles and notes for January-June, T 4 - the same for July-December, each volume has its contents
Since 1881, due to the release of the journal (from September 1880) under the new the editors are keeping a new account of the years of publication, since 1898 the former account
has been going on
1 Russian Orthodox Church - 19th - 20th centuries - Periodicals 2 People (collection) 3 Domestic serials and continuing publications (collection)
BBK 8637224-353а52
BBK 633 (2) 52-7 ya52
BBK 633 (2) 53-7 ya52
Source of electronic copy: PB
Storehouse of the original: RSPU named after A and Herzen
G 53 1912, August - Tipo-lithograph of the association "Light", 1912 - [2], 147-288 p -
Contains: The Slavophil doctrine about the relation of church to the state: E The history of the relationship of church to the state in Russia / K Shebatinsky Orthodox The parish clergy of Bessarabia (1812-1912): the preaching work of the clergy / priest N Stoykov Confessor N Gogol: (to reassess its characteristics) / priest A Vvedensky (from 172-193 [scans 30-51]) Regarding the anniversary of Prof. V Klyuchevsky / And Preobrazhensky On the ecclesiastical court: the past of the court in general and the ecclesiastical in particular, the present The present and desired changes in the church court / BAnd, [and others] - Bibliography in the text and footnotes
1 Russia in faces (collection) 2 N Gogol (collection)
Source of electronic copy: PB
Storehouse of the original: RSPU named after A and Herzen
Publisher Типо-литография товарищества "Свет"