Live broadcasts

Date Starts Ends Event
11:00 12:30
Video lecture “Knowledge of Russia” entitled “”I devote myself to service with all my soul... ”: Fyodor Ushakov”
16:00 18:00
Lecture "Astronomy vs Astrology". Lecturer - Pavel Skripnichenko, employee of the Department of Astronomy, Geodesy and Environment of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, the Ural Federal University. (Broadcast from the Belinsky Sverdlovsk Regional Universal Research Library)
11:30 13:10
“Alexander Griboyedov and modern times” video lecture (marking the 225th anniversary)
10:00 11:00
“The main battles of the Northern War” webinar
10:00 12:15
“Alexander Pushkin’s Memorial Day” Conference and Webinar
15:00 17:30
132nd session of the Cinema Club. Presentation of the finalists’ works of the media projects contest of the III International Festival of Children's Creativity "Everything Begins With a childhood”, dedicated to the history of Saint Petersburg in poetry and songs of the XX–XXI centuries
17:15 18:00
IV National Scientific and Methodical Conference with International Participation “Architecture of University Education: Building an Integrated Environment of Knowledge”. The Final Meeting
15:30 17:00
IV National Scientific and Methodical Conference with International Participation “Architecture of university education: building a single space of knowledge”. Master class 2.2. Social lifts in the system of higher education: projects of the platform "Russia is the country of opportunities"
15:30 17:00
IV National Scientific and Methodical Conference with International Participation “Architecture of university education: building a single space of knowledge”. Series of master classes 6.2. integration of digital resources in educational environment
13:10 14:30
IV National Scientific and Methodical Conference with International Participation “Architecture of university education: building a single space of knowledge”. Discussion 3.1. Ensuring the quality of educational activities: innovative approaches and modern challenges
13:10 14:30
IV National Scientific and Methodical Conference with International Participation “Architecture of university education: building a single space of knowledge”. Discussion 2.1. Modernization of the architecture of higher education in accordance with the requirements of the labor market
13:10 14:30
IV National Scientific and Methodical Conference with International Participation “Architecture of university education: building a single space of knowledge”. Discussion 5.1. Export of educational services and information resources: current forms of international collaborations
10:30 12:30
IV National Scientific and Methodical Conference with International Participation “Architecture of University Education: Building an Integrated Environment of Knowledge”. Panel Session “Strategic Partnerships as a Tool for Building an Integrated Environment of Knowledge”
10:00 11:00
Webinar “Rus’ and Byzantium. History of Relations”
15:00 16:30
Multimedia project “We are chased by the Nazis with dogs”
11:00 15:00
“Judicial Reform in Russia in 1864: the Past and the Present” International Scientific and Practical Conference
12:00 13:50
“First to love, then to teach” video lecture (marking the 25th anniversary of the Karl May School History Museum)
14:30 16:00
Cultural and educational event "Meeting in memory of the Holy Martyr Seraphim (Chichagov)" (as part of the video lecture "Knowledge of Russia")
15:00 18:00
130th сinema club meeting. Screening and discussion of Lev Sidorovsky’s film "Swiss Ballad"
10:30 14:00
III Conference “Constitution of Russia: yesterday, today, tomorrow”
