Essay on Fisheries in Bur.-Mong. AS SS of the Republic

  Sollertinsky, Evgeny Sergeevich      
Essay on Fisheries in Bur.-Mong. AS SS of the Republic / ES Sollertinsky; Organizational Bureau of the section of the Pisces-Hunting Union of Burselsoyuz. - Verkhneudinsk: type. BGI, 1929. - 69, 11 p. : tab. ; 21. -
Contents: From the author; Water funds (pp. 1-11); Fishes of the Burress Republic (pp. 11-20); Status of fish stocks (pp. 20-28); Fishing population (pp. 28-30); Methods of fishing (pp. 30-36); Prices for fish, sales and markets (pp. 36-45); Measures to regulate fisheries (pp. 45-50); Collectivization of the fishing industry (pp. 50-52); Nerpa and nerpovanie (pp. 52-56); Fish farming and inventory of reservoirs (pp. 56-64); Income and expenses, rental policy and financing (pp. 64-67); Perspectives of fisheries (pp. 67-69); Resolutions of the 3rd Republican Congress of Fishermen (vol. - Without title page. Described by cover .
I. Organizational Bureau of the section of the Pisces-Hunting Union of Burselsoyuz. 1. Territory of Russia (collection). 2. The Republic of Buryatia: pages of history (collection). 3. Fisheries - Buryat-Mongolian ASSR.
ББК 47.2 (2Рос.Бур)
ББК 65.35 (2Рос.Бур)
Source of electronic copy: NB Rep. Buryatia
Location on
bulletins: НБ Респ. Buryatia
Publisher тип. БГИ
Catalogue object