The embassy and trade relations between Russia and China (until the 19th century)

Trusevich, Christopher Ivanovich (1854-).    
Posolskie and trade relations of Russia with China (until the XIX century) / op. H. Trusevich. - Moscow: printing house of T. Malinsky, 1882. - [4], 306 p. ; 23 .
1. Russia - China: the way to meet (collection). 2. The Russian state and economy (collection). 3. Russia - Trade Relations - History - China - before the beginning. 20 in .. 4. China - Trade Relations - History - Russia - before the beginning. 20 in .. 5. Russia - Foreign Policy - History - China - before the beginning. 20 in ..
ББК 63.3 (2) -64
ББК 63.3 (5кт)
An electronic copy source: RSL
Location of original copy: РГБ
Publisher типография Т. Малинского
Catalogue object