Science and Education

Science and Education

Proceedings of the Vladimir provincial scientific society for the study of the local land. An undated issue. Bibliography of the Vladimir province

      Vladimir provincial scientific society for the study of the local land Proceedings of the Vladimir provincial scientific society for the study of the local land. Bibliography of the Vladimir province. Т. 1, Economics and economy.
Vladimir: The State Publishing House, 1921-1929. 1926.
Владимирская ОУНБ

Collection of statistical and reference information on public education in the Vladimir province. Issue. 2. Statistical data on all schools in the Vladimir province for 1897-98.

Collection of statistical and reference information on public education in the Vladimir province. Vladimir on the Klyazma: Vladimir. lips. Zemstvo Board, 1899-1910.
Issue. 2: Statistical data on all schools in the Vladimir province for 1897-98 g.1900.
Владимирская ОУНБ

Collection of statistical and reference information on public education in the Vladimir province. Issue. 3. The situation of primary education in the Vladimir province. in 1898

Collection of statistical and reference information on public education in the Vladimir province. Vladimir on the Klyazma: Vladimir. lips. Zemstvo Board, 1899-1910.
Issue. 3: The situation of the initial public education in the Vladimir Gubernia. in 1898, 1900.
Владимирская ОУНБ

Collection of statistical and reference information on public education in the Vladimir province. Issue. 4. [Out-of-school education of the peasant population of the Vladimir province according to the reports of the year. correspondents of the Evaluation and Economic Department of the Vladimir Provincial Zemstvo Board

Collection of statistical and reference information on public education in the Vladimir province. Vladimir on the Klyazma: Vladimir. lips. Zemstvo Board, 1899-1910.
Issue. 4: [Out-of-school education of the peasant population of the Vladimir province according to the reports of the city. correspondents of the Evaluation and Economic Department of the Vladimir Provincial Zemstvo Board. 1900.
Владимирская ОУНБ
