Orenburg Province

Orenburg Province

Proceedings of the Orenburg Scientific Archive Commission. Issue. 21. Cholera of 1829-33 in the Orenburg region

The Orenburg Scientific Archive Commission. Proceedings of the Orenburg Scientific Archive Commission. Orenburg, 1889-1917.
Popov, Alexander Vladimirovich (1867-). Issue. 21: Cholera 1829-33 years in the Orenburg region. Orenburg: Electro-steam typo-lithography of the association "Karimov, Khusainov and Co.," 1910.

The case against the Orenburg military governor, the permission to issue from the remnants of the Zemstvo collection 840 rubles to the peasants of the villages Vasilievka and Pismyanka for the correction of the postal chase in 1830, during the cordon of the villages of Bugulma district, on the occasion of the existence of cholera

Department of Police Executive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The case against the Orenburg military governor, the permission to issue from the remnants of the zemstvo collection 840 rubles to the peasants of the villages Vasilievka and Pismyanka for the correction of the postal chase in 1830, during the cordon of the villages of Bugulma district, on the occasion of the existence of cholera.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)