Organization of the Postal Service
Organization of the Postal Service
The case of buying a house of General Ladinsky under the premises of the Argina postal station, the Tauride province.N. 27.03;V. u.12/29/1854
The case of buying a house of General Ladinsky under the premises of the Argina postal station, the Tauride province.N. 27.03;V. u.12/29/18541854.
The case of an increase in the postal stations of the Tauride province is 295 horses.N. 5/x;K. 23/x.1854
The case of an increase in the postal stations of the Tauride province is 295 horses.N. 5/x;K. 23/x.18541854.
The case of the establishment of a new postal station in the Tauride province and the increase in horses at the stations of this province, along the Moscow tract.N. 10.11.;K. 02.02.1854
The case of the establishment of a new postal station in the Tauride province and the increase in horses at the stations of this province, along the Moscow tract.N. 10.11.;K. 02.02.18541854.
The case of measures to ensure a serviceable post office from Kharkov to Sevastopol, along the St. Petersburg tract.N.17/XII-1854;K.2/II-1855
The case of measures to ensure a serviceable post office from Kharkov to Sevastopol, along the St. Petersburg tract.N.17/XII-1854;K.2/II-1855 ,1854.
The case of the satisfaction of the townsfolk of some areas of the Tauride province for the carts they put to the postal stations.N. 26/I;K. 5/II;1855
The case of the satisfaction of the townsfolk of some areas of the Tauride province for the carts they put to the postal stations.N. 26/I;K. 5/II;1855.1855.
The case of the restructuring of the bridge in the village.An old man, Poltava province, on a postal road to the Crimea.N. 06.04.;V. u.31.05.1855
The case of the restructuring of the bridge in the village.An old man, Poltava province, on a postal road to the Crimea.N. 06.04.;V. u.05/31/18551855.
The case of measures to the installation of postal gonba along the tract from Sevastopol to Berislav.N.10/VI;K. 4/VIII.1855
The case of measures to the installation of postal gonba along the tract from Sevastopol to Berislav.N.10/VI;K. 4/VIII.1855.1855.
The case of the benefit of the postalists of the Tauride province and the costs of maintaining stations in the Sevastopol tract.N. 27/VII;K. 1/IX;1855
The case of the benefit of the postalists of the Tauride province and the costs of maintaining stations in the Sevastopol tract.N. 27/VII;K. 1/IX;1855.1855.
The case of a consumption for a salary and fodder money to the posters in the Tauride province, along the Sevastopol and Changarsky tracts.N. 3/VIII;K. 1/IX;1855
The case of a consumption for a salary and fodder money to the posters in the Tauride province, along the Sevastopol and Changarsky tracts.N. 3/VIII;K. 1/IX;1855.1855.
The case of the separation of hauls between some postal stations of the Tauride province during the war.N.14/VIII;K. 1/IX;1855
The case of the separation of hauls between some postal stations of the Tauride province during the war.N.14/VIII;K. 1/IX;1855.1855.