- Legislation
The laws of Grand Duke John Vasilievich and the Code of Law of the Tsar and Grand Duke John Vasilievich with additional decrees
The laws of Grand Duke John Vasilievich and the Code of Law of the Tsar and Grand Duke John Vasilievich with additional decrees. Moscow: Publication of the Commission for Printing State Letters and Treaties, consisting of the Moscow Main Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1878.- The Code of Law (the Sudebnik) of 1550
The Code of Law of the Tsar and Grand Duke Ivan Vasilievich, laws from Justinian books, decrees additional to the judiciary and customs regulations of the Tsar and the Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich
Russia. Laws and regulations. The Code of Law of the Tsar and the Grand Duke Ivan Vasilievich, laws from the Justinian books, decrees additional to the judiciary and customs regulations of the Tsar and the Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich. In St. Petersburg: under the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1768.Consolidated Judgment
Consolidated judiciary. [St. Petersburg]: Under the Senate, 1774.The Code of Law of the Tsar and Grand Duke John Vasilievich and some of this ruler and his immediate successors, edicts collected and notes explained by the late secret adviser and Astrakhan Governor Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev
The Code of Law of the Tsar and Grand Duke John Vasilievich, and some of this ruler and his immediate successors, edicts collected and notes explained by the late secret adviser and Astrakhan Governor Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev. Moscow: In the University Printing House in N. Novikov, 1786.Monuments of ancient Russian legislation
Seversky, Yakov Grigorievich. Monuments of ancient Russian legislation. St. Petersburg: the bookstore of A. F. Zinserling, 1893.The Code of Laws of John III and John IV of 1497 and 1555 [! 1550].
The Code of Laws of John III and John IV of 1497 and 1555 [! 1550]. Kharkov: the edition of the Historical and Philological Faculty of the Imperial Kharkov University, 1915. - About the Code of Law (the Sudebnik) of 1550
Extracts from the Judgment of Ivan the Terrible in 1554 on Judicial Proceedings in Russia
Russia. Commission of drafting laws. Extracts from the Judge of Ivan the Terrible in 1554 on the legal proceedings in Russia. [1804-1826].The laws of Grand Duke John Vasilievich and the Code of Law of the Tsar and Grand Duke John Vasilievich, with additional decrees issued by Konstantin Kalaidovich and Pavel Stroev
The laws of Grand Duke John Vasilievich and the Code of Law of the Tsar and Grand Duke John Vasilievich, with additional decrees issued by Konstantin Kalaidovich and Pavel Stroyev.
Moscow: In the printing house of Semyon Selivanovsky, 1819.The laws of Grand Duke John Vasilievich and the Code of Law of the Tsar and Grand Duke John Vasilievich with additional decrees
The laws of Grand Duke John Vasilievich and the Code of Law of the Tsar and Grand Duke John Vasilievich with additional decrees. Moscow: Publication of the Commission for Printing State Letters and Treaties, consisting of the Moscow Main Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1878.
- Warfare
Pictures of Russian history, published under the general editorship of [and explanatory text] SAKnyazkova.№ 20. SVIvanov.archers
Princelings.Sergey Aleksandrovich.1873-1920 ?.Pictures of Russian history, published under the general editorship of [and explanatory text] SAKnyazkova.Moscow: Grossman and Knebel, 1908-1913.№ 20: SVIvanov.Sagittarians.1908.Vologda fortress Ivan Grozny
Vologda fortress Ivan the Terrible.[St. Petersburg]: Presidential Library, 2021;[Vologda]: Vologda State Museum-Reserve. - Oprichnina
Notebook, and in it the names of the disgraced at the king and the Grand Duke, John Vasilievich, all Russia were written
Suvorov, N. Tetrate, and in it the names of the disgraced at the king and the Grand Duke, John Vasilievich, all Russia were written.[B.M .: B.I., 19--].To the question of oprichnina
Sukhotin, Lev Mikhailovich More to the question of oprichnina.
Belgrade, 1936.To a review of the issue of the oprichnin.1. The question of the abolition of the oprichnina
Sukhotin.L.M.K. Review of the issue of oprichnin.1: The question of the abolition of the oprichnina.1931.To a review of the issue of the oprichnin.2-6
Sukhotin.L.M.K. Review of the issue of the oprichnin.2-6.1935.To a review of the issue of the oprichnin.7-8
Sukhotin.L.M.K. Review of the issue of oprichnin.7-8.1940.About Moscow of Ivan the Terrible
Staden, Henry. About Moscow of Ivan the Terrible. L.: Izd. M. and S. Sabashnikov, 1925.New news about Russia of the Time of Ivan the Terrible
Schlichting, Albert.New news about Russia of the Time of Ivan the Terrible.Leningrad: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1934.Personality of the king in the context of oprichnogo time: historiographical and methodological aspects of the study
Sinakov, Nikolay Alexandrovich. Personality of the king in the context of oprichnogo time: historiographical and methodological aspects of the study. Tomsk, 2005. - Russian Orthodox Church
Stoglav. Hotel London: Trubner a. C ° [Vol. Rus. type.], 1860.Order lists of the Cathedral Code of 1851 [!] Or Stoglav
Belyaev, Ilya Vasilyevich (1826-1867). Order lists of the Cathedral Code of 1851 [!] Or Stoglav. Moscow: type. Bakhmetev, 1863.Stoglav
Stoglav. St. Petersburg: D.E. Kozhanchikov, 1863.Stoglav
Stoglav.St. Petersburg: ed.D.E.Kozhanchikova, 1863.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахAnother punishment list by Stoglav
Pavlov, A. Sokaznaya List on Stogov.Odessa: Type.Ulrich and Schulce, 1873.Tsarist questions and cathedral answers about multi-solid church ranks
Tsarist questions and cathedral answers about multi-solid church ranks.Moscow: Type.E. Lisserner and Yu. Roman, 1890.Newly open handwritten Stoglav 16th century
L. I. Novice open manuscript Stoglav 16th century.Holy Trinity Sergiev Lavra: Own Type., 1899."Stoglav and the history of the Council of 1551"
Bochkarev, Vyacheslav Alexandrovich (1865-). "Stoglav and the history of the Council of 1551". Yukhnov: the type. Podzemsky, 1906.A new attempt to solve the old question of the origin of "Stoglav"
Gromoglasov, Ilya Mikhailovich (1869-). A new attempt to solve the old question about the origin of Stoglav. Ryazan: type. Brotherhood of St. Basil, 1905.Stoglavy Cathedral and the public consciousness of Russia in the 16th century
Lyakhovitsky, Eugene. Stoglavy Cathedral and the public consciousness of Russia XVI century. St. Petersburg, 2012.The message of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich to Alexandrian Patriarch Joachim with merchant Vasily Poznyakov and Walking merchant Poznyakov to Jerusalem and other holy places of 1558
The message of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich to Alexandrian Patriarch Joachim with merchant Vasily Poznyakov and Walking merchant Poznyakova to Jerusalem and other holy places in 1558. Moscow: Univ. a type. (M. Katkov), 1884.Reasoning about heresies and schisms that were in the Russian church from the time of Vladimir the Great to Ivan the Terrible, composed by a student of the Moscow Theological Academy Nikolai Rudnev
Rudnev, Nikolay. Reasoning about the heresies and schisms that were in the Russian church from the time of Vladimir the Great to Ivan the Terrible, composed by a student of the Moscow Theological Academy Nikolai Rudnev. M.: Synod. type., 1838. - Foreign policy of Ivan the Terrible
The war of the reign of Ivan the Terrible in the Russian historical memory of the second half of the 16th - early 20th centuries.
Novolodsky, Alexey Sergeevich.The war of the reign of Ivan the Terrible in the Russian historical memory of the second half of the XVI-early XX V. Rostov-on-Don, 2020.The news of Giovanni Tedaldi about Russia from the times of Ivan the Terrible, [recorded from his words A. Possevin]
Shmurlo, Yevgeny Frantsevich (1853-1934). Izvestia Giovanni Tedaldi about Russia of the times of Ivan the Terrible, [recorded from his words A. Possevin].
St. Petersburg: type. V.S. Balasheva, 1891.Reply of the Tsar John Vasilyevich of Grozny to Janu Rokita
Reply of the Tsar John Vasilyevich of Grozny to Jan Rokita.
Moscow: History and antiquities are growing. at Moscow. un-te, 1878.Moscow.Ivan the Terrible.Fire 1571.
Moscow.Ivan the Terrible.Fire 1571.- Capture of Kazan
Russian and foreign legends about the Kazan campaign of Ivan the Terrible
Miller, Vsevolod Fedorovich (1848-1913). Russian and foreign legends about the Kazan campaign of Ivan the Terrible. [Moscow, 1914].Two stories about the campaigns of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich Grozny on Kazan in 1550 and 1552.
Two stories about the campaigns of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich Grozny on Kazan in 1550 and 1552 [b.M .: B.I., 19--].The legend of the conception of the Kingdom of Kazan and the victories of the Grand Dukes of Moscow, with the King of Kazan, gloriously deed, and the capture of that kingdom of Kazan from the pious sovereign of the tsar and great prince John Vasilyevich of all Russia of the autocrat
The legend of the conception of the Kingdom of Kazan and the victories of the Grand Dukes of Moscow, with the king of Kazan, the gloriously deed, and the capture of that kingdom of Kazan from the pious sovereign of the tsar and great prince John Vasilyevich of all Russia of the autocrat.Kazan: ed.F.T.Vasilieva, 1902.The Temple of Glory, erected by the victorious Russian militia to His king John Vasilyevich, or a detailed description of all the battles of the former between Russians and Kazan, both under the own leadership of Tsar John Vasilyevich and E
Mikhailov, Ivan (Podororuk).The Church of Glory, erected by the victorious Russian militia to His king John Vasilyevich, or a detailed description of all the battles of the former between Russians and Kazan, both under the own leadership of Tsar John Vasilyevich and his military leaders;and accession of Kazanskago and Astrakhanskago kingdoms to the Russian state,.Moscow: In the provincial printing house, A. Reshetnikova, 1800.Conquered by Kazan or mercy of Tsar John Vasilievich IV what was corrupted
Georgians, Alexander Nikolaevich (c. 1779-not 1821).The conquered Kazan or mercy of Tsar John Vasilievich IV is accused by the formidable.St. Petersburg: Imperial type., 1811.The word for the day of the capture of Kazan by Tsar John Vasilyevich Grozny and on the consecration of the temple erected in the Monument over the grave of Orthodox soldiers, for faith and fatherland in the capture of Kazan, the belly of his put, spoken
Gabriel, Archimandrite (Voskresensky, Vasily Nikolaevich, 1795-1868). The day of the capture of Kazan by Tsar John Vasilyevich Grozny and the consecration of the temple erected in the Monument over the grave of Orthodox soldiers, for the faith and fatherland in the capture of Kazan, put his beloved, spoken of by the Kazan Assumption Zilantov Monastery by the abbot Archimandrite Gabriel 1832 October 2 days. Kazan: In the Univ. type., 1833.The conquest of Kazan by the Moscow Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich Grozny
Velichkin The conquest of Kazan by the Moscow Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich Grozny.
Moscow: Type. A. Torletsky and M. Terikhov, 1875. - Livonian War
Notes of the Historical and Philology Faculty of St. Petersburg University.Part 33. Baltic question in the XVI and XVII centuries.(1544-1648)
Notes of the Historical and Philology Faculty of St. Petersburg University.Forten, Baltic question in the XVI and XVII centuries.(1544-1648).1893.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахActs and letters to the history of the Baltic Question in the XVI and XVII centuries.[Vol.1]
Forten.Georgy Vasilyevich.1857-1910.Acts and letters to the history of the Baltic Question in the XVI and XVII centuries.St. Petersburg: Type.I.N.Skorokhodov, 1889-1893.[Vol.1].1889.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахNotes on Muscovite war (1578-1582)
Gejdenshtejn, Reinhold (1553-1620). Notes on Muscovite war (1578-1582). St. Petersburg: izdanie Archeographical Commission, 1889.Vitebskaya older.T. 4. Part 1-2.Part 1. Polotsk Voivodeship under the rule of King John Vasilyevich Grozny (1563-1580).Ch. 2. Polotsk and Vitebsk Voivodeship under the rule of the king Alexei Mikhailovich (1654-1667)
Sapunov.Alexey Parfenovich.1852-1924.Vitebskaya older.Vitebsk, 1883-1888.T. 4. Part 1-2: Ch. 1. Polotsk Voivodeship under the rule of Tsar John Vasilyevich Grozny (1563-1580);Ch. 2. Polotsk and Vitebsk Voivodeship under the rule of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (1654-1667).1885.The speech of the Tsar and Grand Duke Ivan Vasilievich to the princes of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, through their ambassador,
Ivan IV (Russian Tsar, 1530-1584). The speech of the Tsar and Grand Duke Ivan Vasilievich to the Panaman of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, through their ambassador handed over. [Moscow, 1847].Zemsky Sobor under Tsar John Vasilievich
Zemsky Sobor under Tsar John Vasilievich. Moscow: Izd. a type. "The Russian Press," 1905.
- Science and culture
The royal book, that is, the Chronicler of the reign of Tsar John Vasilyevich, from 7042 to 1761,
The royal book, that is, the Chronicler of the reign of Tsar John Vasilyevich, from 7042 to 1761 ,.Saint Petersburg: At Imp.Acad.Sciences, 1769.Complete collection of Russian chronicles, issued by the highest order of the Archeographic Commission. T. 21, half 1. The book is a staid tsarist genealogy
Complete collection of Russian chronicles, issued by the highest order of the Archeographic Commission. St. Petersburg: Archeographic Commission, 1841-1921.
T. 21, half 1: A book of the royal royal genealogy. 1908.A complete collection of Russian chronicles, issued by the highest order of the Archaeographic Commission. 21. The second half. The book of the royal royal genealogy
A complete collection of Russian chronicles, issued by the highest order of the Archaeographic Commission. St.Petersburg: In the printing house of Edward Pratz, 1841-1921.
T. 21. The second half: The book is a sedate royal genealogy. S.-Petersburg: the printing house of MA Aleksandrov, 1913.The chronicler Ruska from the coming of the rod to the death of King John Vasilyevich .. Ch. 1
The chronicler is Ruska from the coming of the rod to the death of King John Vasilyevich. Sankpometerburg: Type.Gornago School, 1792.Part 1. 1792.The Chronicler from the coming of Rurik to the death of Tsar John Vasilievich .. Part 2
The Chronicler from the Rurik comes to the end of the reign of Tsar John Vasilievich. Stanktpeterburg: Type. Gornagh School, 1792.
Part 2. 1792.The chronicler Ruska from the coming of the rod to the death of King John Vasilyevich .. Ch. 3
The chronicler is Ruska from the coming of the rod to the death of King John Vasilyevich. Sankpometerburg: Type.Gornago School, 1792.Part 3. 1792.The chronicler Ruska from the coming of the rod to the death of King John Vasilyevich .. Ch. 4
The chronicler is Ruska from the coming of the rod to the death of King John Vasilyevich. Sankpometerburg: Type.Gornago School, 1792.Part 4. 1792.The chronicler Ruska from the coming of the rod to the death of the king of John Vasilyevich .. Ch. 5
The chronicler is Ruska from the coming of the rod to the death of King John Vasilyevich. Sankpometerburg: Type.Gornago School, 1792.Part 5. 1792.Moscow.B-ka Ivan Grozny
Moscow.B-ka Ivan Grozny.