Birthrate, death rate, natural population growth
Birthrate, death rate, natural population growth
Experience on the laws of mortality in Russia and on the distribution of Orthodox population by age
Bunyakovsky, Viktor Yakovlevich (1804-1889). Experience about the laws of mortality in Russia and the distribution of Orthodox population by age. St. Petersburg: printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1865.
Statistical Studies on the Distribution and Movement of Population in Russia in 1846
Danilevsky, Nikolai Yakovlevich (1822-1885). Statistical studies on the distribution and movement of population in Russia in 1846. St. Petersburg: printing house of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1851.
The population movement in European Russia and in two provinces of Siberia: Yenisei and Tobolsk in 1902
The population movement in European Russia and in two provinces of Siberia: Yenisei and Tobolsk for 1902. SPb .: Type. "The Drug", 1907.
Тюменская ОНБ
The population movement in European Russia .... Statistics of the Russian Empire. ... in two provinces of Siberia: the Yenisei and Tobolsk and Semipalatinsk regions in 1903
The population movement in European Russia .... ... in two provinces of Siberia: the Yenisei and Tobolsk and Semipalatinsk regions for 1903.
St. Petersburg: The Center. stat. com. M-va int. affairs, 1890-1916. 1909.
St. Petersburg: The Center. stat. com. M-va int. affairs, 1890-1916. 1909.
Regional conditions for the reproduction of peasant generations in Siberia (1861-1917).
Zverev, Vladimir Alexandrovich (1949-). Regional conditions for the reproduction of peasant generations in Siberia (1861-1917). Novosibirsk: Publishing house of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, 1998.
Новосибирский гос. пед. ун-т
Demographic processes in the village of the European North of Russia in the 1940s-1950s
Ilyina, Olga Viktorovna
Demographic processes in the village of the European North of Russia in the 1940s-1950s.
Yaroslavl, 2010.
Yaroslavl, 2010.
The movement of population in Russia from 1848 to 1852.
Kaypsh, Yegor Ivanovich
The movement of population in Russia from 1848 to 1852 ..
St. Petersburg: in the printing house of the Naval Ministry, 1858.
St. Petersburg: in the printing house of the Naval Ministry, 1858.
Professional death rate according to the latest data
Professional death rate according to the latest data.
Moscow: Publishing part of the CNT, 1922.
Moscow: Publishing part of the CNT, 1922.
People's welfare by demographic data
Marshinskiy, Arkady Pavlovich (1841-1899).
People's welfare according to demographic data. Issue. 1. St. Petersburg: Type. V. Demakova, 1884.
Several critical remarks on the latest research on the population of European Russia
Roslavsky-Petrovsky, Alexander Petrovich (1816-1871). Several critical remarks on the latest research on the population of European Russia. Kharkov: in the University Press, 1852.
- Moscow
Statistical note on Moscow
Androsov, Vasily Petrovich (1803-1841). Statistical note on Moscow.
Moscow: To the type. The seeds of Selivanovsky, 1832.Mortality tables in Moscow in August 1877
Ostroglazov, Vasily Mikhailovich. Mortality tables in Moscow in August 1877. Moscow, 1877.Summary of information about the deceased in the city of Moscow .... ... for 1895
Summary of information about the deceased in the city of Moscow .... ... for 1895.
Moscow: City Printing House, 1893-1897. 1897.Mortality of the population of Moscow in 1872-1889.
Mortality of the population of Moscow in 1872-1889 .. Moscow: City Printing House, 1891.Tables on the movement of the population in Moscow. in 1891
Tables on the movement of the population in Moscow. in 1891.
Moscow: City Printing House, 1889-1892. 1892.Proceedings of the Moscow City Statistical Department. Issue. 1. Vedomosti about the death rate in Moscow for 1879
Moscow City Statistics Department Proceedings of the Moscow City Statistical Department. Vedomosti about the death rate in Moscow for 1879. Books on Moscow: Izd. Moscow. mountains. thoughts, 1881-1882. 1882. - Kirov Region
Population movement in the Orel district of the Vyatka province
Blinov, Nikolai Nikolayevich (1839-1917). Population movement in the Orel district of the Vyatka province.
Vyatka: Typography of Kuklin, 1876.Population movement of Vyatka province for 1874
Movement of the population of Vyatka province for 1874. Location Vyatka: Vyatka. lips. stat. com., 1876.The effect of earnings on the movement of the population of the Kostroma province, according to the data of 1866-83.
Zhbankov, Dmitry Nikolayevich (1853-1932). The influence of the earnings on the population movement of the Kostroma province, according to the data of 1866-83 ..
Kostroma: In the Provincial Printing House, 1887.The population movement and the causes of death in Kostroma, in 1881 and 1882.
Ivanov, Ivan Savich (1834-). The population movement and the causes of death in Kostroma, in 1881 and 1882 ..
Kostroma: Kostrom. provinces. stat. com., 1884. - The Nizhny Novgorod province
Basic data on the population movement in the Nizhny Novgorod province
Bozhenov, Andrei Mefodievich (1866-). Basic data on the population movement in the Nizhny Novgorod province. Nizhny Novgorod: separation of the printing house "Volgar", 1912. - The Novgorod province
Notes of the Russian Geographical Society. Notes of the Russian Geographical Society. T. 1. Studies on the Birth and Mortality of Children in Novgorod Province
Russian Geographical Society Notes of the Russian Geographical Society. Research on the birth and death rate of children in the Novgorod province.
St. Petersburg, 1846-1917. St. Petersburg: K. Wolfe's printing house, 1866.The population of Novgorod province in the XIX-early XX century: socio-demographic analysis
Fedoruk, Natalia Sergeevna (candidate of historical sciences). The population of Novgorod province in the XIX-early XX century: socio-demographic analysis. St. Petersburg, 2013. - The Perm province
On the population movement in Solikamsk uyezd
Lukanin, Alexander On the movement of population in Solikamsk uyezd.
[B. m .: b. and., 1851]. - The Republic of Bashkortostan
The method of calculating the actual number of people, by classes and creeds, by taking into account the movement of the population, adopted by the Ufa Statistical Committee since 1866
Gurvich, Nikolai Alexandrovich (1827-). The method of calculating the actual number of the population, according to estates and creeds, by taking into account the population movement, adopted by the Ufa Statistical Committee since 1866. Ufa: Ufim. lips. stat. com., 1872. - The Saratov province
On the Population, Birth and Mortality of Rostov on Don
Smirnov, Sergey Dmitrievich (1869-). To the question of the population, fertility and mortality rate of Rostov on the Don.
Rostov-on-Don: The Electroprinting MI Turtsevich, 1905. - The Saratov province
Mortality, fertility and marriage statistics for the city of Saratov for 1886
Bukhovtsev, Ivan Nikitich (1841-). Statistics of mortality, fertility and marriages in the city of Saratov for 1886.
[St. Petersburg]: the steam-soon-print Yablonsky and Perotte, [1887].Materials on the study of infant mortality in the Saratov province .... [Issue. 1] from 1899 to 1901. Report VIII to the Provincial Congress of Physicians and Chairmen of Zemstvo Administrations of the Saratov Gubernia
Materials on the study of infant mortality in the Saratov Gubernia .... Report VIII to the Provincial Congress of Physicians and Chairmen of Zemstvo Administrations of the Saratov Gubernia.
1904. - The Smolensk province
On the movement of the population in Smolensk province
Zhbankov, Dmitry Nikolayevich (1853-1932). On the movement of the population in the Smolensk province.
Smolensk: Printing house PA Silin, 1893.Tables of population movement in Smolensk province for the decade of 1886-1895.
Zhbankov, Dmitry Nikolayevich (1853-1932). Tables of population movement in the Smolensk province for the decade 1886-1895. Smolensk: Smolen. lips. Zemstvo, 1897. - The Tambov province
A short sketch of morbidity and mortality of the population of the Tambov province in the triennium 1898, 1899 and 1900.
Molleson, Ivan Ivanovich (1842-1920). A short sketch of the morbidity and mortality of the population of the Tambov Gubernia in the third anniversary of 1898, 1899 and 1900. Tambov: the lithograph of N. Berdonosov and F. Prigorin, 1904. - The Tver province
On the natural movement of the population of the Kalyazinsky district of the Tver province (without the city of Kalyazin) for the five-year period from 1885 to 1889.
Rozanov, A.P. On the natural movement of the population of the Kalyazinsky district of the Tver province (without the city of Kalyazin) for the five-year period from 1885 to 1889. Tver: lithography FS Muraviev, 1890. - Tyumen Region
Memorable book for the Tobolsk province for 1864
Memorable book for the Tobolsk province for 1864.
Tobolsk: Type. Tobolsk Province. of the reign, 1864.