Relations of Russian and Slavonic languages
Relations of Russian and Slavonic languages
On the Church Slavonic language, its origin, educators and historical destinies
Zelenetsky, Konstantin Petrovich (1812-1858).
On the language of the Church Slavonic, its origin, educators and historical destinies.
Odessa: in A. Brown's printing house, 1846.
Odessa: in A. Brown's printing house, 1846.
On the influence of Christianity on the Slavic language
Buslaev, Fedor Ivanovich (1818-1897). On the influence of Christianity on the Slavonic language. Moscow: at the University Press, 1848.
Grammar of the Church Slavonic language, laid down by the oldest written monuments
Vostokov, Alexander Khristoforovich (1781-1864). Grammar of the Church Slavonic language, set out on the oldest written monuments. St. Petersburg: Type. Imp. Acad. Sciences, 1863.
Ancient Glagolitic monuments, in comparison with the Cyrillic monuments
Sreznevsky, Izmail Ivanovich (1812-1889). Ancient Glagolitic monuments, in comparison with the Cyrillic monuments. St. Petersburg: in the printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1866.
A few reminiscences of the Suprasl manuscript of the 11th century
Sreznevsky, Izmail Ivanovich (1812-1880). Several reminiscences of the Suprasl manuscript of the 11th century. St. Petersburg: printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1872.
An outline of the comparative doctrine of the sounds and forms of the ancient Church Slavonic language
Nekrasov, Nikolai Petrovich (philologist-Slavic, 1828-1913). Essay comparative study of the sounds and forms of the ancient Church Slavonic. St. Petersburg: Type. Imp. Acad. Sciences, 1889.
"Apostle" in the history of the Russian literary language
Novak, Maria Olegovna (Doctor of Philology, 1971 -). "Apostle" in the history of the Russian literary language. Kazan, 2014.