

Materials on the topic "Peasant wars and the uprising of oppressed peoples in the XVII century." [Issue. 3]. The first peasant war and the Polish intervention in Russia in the early 17th century

      .         Materials on the topic "Peasant wars and the insurrection of oppressed peoples in the XVII century" / ed. prof. A. V. Shestakova. - Smolensk, 1938. - 20 cm . I. Shestakov, Andrei Vasilievich. 1. Russia - History - 17th century .. BBC 63.3 (2) 45
Materials on the topic "Peasant wars and the uprising of oppressed peoples in the XVII century." The first peasant war and the Polish intervention in Russia in the beginning of the XVII century.

Monuments of diplomatic and commercial relations of Moscow Rus with Persia. T. 2. The reign of Boris Godunov, Vasily Shuisky and the beginning of the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich

Monuments of diplomatic and commercial relations of Moscow Rus with Persia. St. Petersburg: A partnership of the steam-bound printers Yablonsky and Perotte, 1890-1898.
T. 2: The reign of Boris Godunov, Vasily Shuisky and the beginning of the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich. 1892.

Legend of the siege of the Troitsky Sergius Monastery from the Poles and Lithuania; and about the later rebellions in Russia, composed by the same Troitsky monastery by the cellar Avrami Palitsyn

  Avraamij (Palitsyn Averky Ivanovich, Hieromonk Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the middle of the 16th century-1626).     Legend of the siege of the Troitsky Sergius Monastery from the Poles and Lithuania; and about the subsequent rebellions in Russia, composed by the same Troitsky monastery by the clerk Avrami Palitsyn.
Moscow: In the Synodal Printing House, 1822.
