USSR/RF and FRG (after the accession of the GDR to the FRG)
USSR/RF and FRG (after the accession of the GDR to the FRG)
On the ratification of the Protocol amending the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Federal Republic of Germany on the avoidance of double taxation with respect to taxes on income and property of 29 May 1996 and its Protocol of 29 May 1996
Russian Federation. Laws. On the ratification of the Protocol amending the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Federal Republic of Germany on the avoidance of double taxation with respect to taxes on income and property of 29 May 1996 and its Protocol of 29 May 1996. Moscow, 2008.
On the transfer to the Federal Republic of Germany of stained glass from the Church of St. Mary (Marienkirche) in the city of Frankfurt-on-Oder, moved to the USSR as a result of World War II and stored in the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
Russian Federation. Laws. About the transfer to the Federal Republic of Germany of stained glass from the Church of St. Mary (Marienkirche) in the city of Frankfurt-on-Oder, moved to the USSR as a result of World War II and stored in the State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. Moscow, 2008.