Territory of Kyrgyzstan
Territory of Kyrgyzstan
Journey to the Tien Shan in 1856-1857. Memoirs. T. 2
Journey to the Tien Shan in 1856-1857. Memoirs. T. 2. 1946.
ЦБС Красногвардейского района, Санкт-Петербург
Travel on the outskirts of Russian Asia and notes about them
Veniukov, Mikhail Ivanovich (1832-1901). Travel on the outskirts of Russian Asia and notes about them. St.Petersburg: Type. Imp. Acad. Sciences, 1868.
Russia European and Asian. T. 2. Asian Russia and the Central Asian Khanate
Reclus, Jean Jacques Elise (1830-1905).
Russia European and Asian. Asian Russia and the Central Asian Khanate.
St. Petersburg: ed. cartographer. the institution of A. Ilyin, 1883-1884. 1884.
St. Petersburg: ed. cartographer. the institution of A. Ilyin, 1883-1884. 1884.
«Тянь-Шань» (сканы 295-323)
Travels to Turkestan N.A. Severtsova and A.P. Fedchenki
Lyalina, Maria Andreevna (1880-1910).
Travels to Turkestan N.A. Severtsova and A.P. Fedchenki. Saint-Petersburg: A.F. Devrien, cens. 1894.
Guide to Siberia and the Turkestan Region
Guide to Siberia and the Turkestan Territory.
St. Petersburg: Type. Counterparties are yellow. dor., 1895.
St. Petersburg: Type. Counterparties are yellow. dor., 1895.
Пишкек – Пржевальск; Пишкек – укр. Нарынское (сканы 40–41)
- The earthquake of 1910
The case of the Council of Ministers on the proposal of the Minister of Public Education LA Kasso on the release of funds for the organization of a geodetic expedition to study the area of the earthquake that occurred in 1910 near the Issyk-Kul lake in
Russia. Council of Ministers The case of the Council of Ministers on the proposal of the Minister of Public Education LA Kasso on the release of funds for the organization of a geodetic expedition for the exploration of the earthquake region that occurred in 1910 near the Issyk-Kul lake in the Semirechye region.
1913.The case on the bill of the Ministry of National Education, submitted to the State Duma of the Fourth Convocation, on the postponement of the introduction of legal acts related to the expenses from the state treasury for equipping the geodetic expedition
State Duma I, II, III and IV convocations. Film Russia. The State Duma. Convocation (4). The case on the bill of the Ministry of National Education, submitted to the State Duma of the Fourth Convocation, on the postponement of the introduction of legal acts related to the expenses from the state treasury for equipping the geodetic expedition to study the consequences of the earthquake of 1910 near the Issyk-Kul lake in the Semirechenskaya region and the publication of the Fauna of Russia and the neighboring countries by the Ural Society of Naturalists and the Academy of Sciences... - Administrative division
Материалы по районированию Киргизской республики. Т. 1. Восточная и Западная Киргизия
Materials on the zoning of the Kyrgyz Republic. Orenburg: Kyrgyz State Publishing House, 1924-1928.
T. 1: Eastern and Western Kyrgyzstan. 1924.Materials on the regionalization of the Kyrgyz Republic. T. 2. The general part, the description of districts and characteristics of districts
Materials on regionalization of Kazakhstan. Kzyl-Orda: the Kazgosplan.
T. 2: The general part, the description of the districts and the characteristics of the districts. Kzyl-Orda: Kazgosplan, 1928. - Economy. Economic geography
Report on the state of the Semirechye region for 1913 [i.e. 1914]
Russia. Council of Ministers Report on the state of the Semirechye region for 1913 [i.e. 1914].
[1915].The case of providing society Kokand-Namangan. the construction of the lines: Namangan-Andijan-Jalal-Abad, Andijan-Kokan-Kishlak, and the conversion of the Chinabad-Andijon access road to the public road. The plan of a part of the Andijan district with dr
Russia. Council of Ministers. The case of providing society Kokand-Namangan. the construction of the lines: Namangan-Andijan-Jalal-Abad, Andijan-Kokan-Kishlak, and the conversion of the Chinabad-Andijon access road to the public road. Plan part of the Andijan Uyezd with a narrow-gauge railway from Andijan to Chinabad. 1913.Siberian Commercial and Industrial Yearbook of 1914-1915. Part 2. Otd. 3, 4. Descriptions of provinces and regions of Siberia, Steppe Krai and Russian Turkestan
Siberian Trade and Industrial Yearbook of 1914-1915. Description of provinces and regions of Siberia, Steppe Krai and Russian Turkestan; Commercial and industrial index of settlements of Siberia, Manchuria, Mongolia and Turkestan. [Petrograd]: [Type. JSC "Argus", T-va "Trud"],«Семиреченская область» (сканы 206-215); «Пишпек» (сканы 681-686); «Пржевальск» (сканы 687-692)
The economy of the Kyrgyz SSR during the great patriotic war, 1941-1945 Gg.
Dzhunushalieva, Gulnara Dzhenishovna. The economy of the Kyrgyz SSR during the great patriotic war, 1941-1945 Gg Bishkek, 2013.
«Замечания об озере Иссык-Куль и реке Кошкар» (сканы 113-126); «Очерки Заилийского края и Причуйской страны» (сканы 127-176); «О Памире и верховьях Аму-Дарьи» (сканы 177-216)