Early history of the Slavs
Ancient and new Russia.1875 № 2.
Ancient and new Russia.1875 No. 3.
Hellenian-Skythian peace on the shore of Pontus, historical and ethnographical essay. P. 277–292 (scans 57–71)
The question of the nationality of the Rus, Bulgarians and Huns
[St. Petersburg, 1881].
Russian antiquity. G. 13 1882, [v. 33, book. 1-3], January-March
G. 13 1882, [Vol. 33, book. 1-3], January-March. 1882.
Revision of the matter of the Huns / [Comp.] by D. I. Ilovaysky. P. 717–736 (scans 731–750)
Russian archive.G. 12 1874, [book.2], 7
On the origin of the Danube Bulgarians: (Dedicated to the Third Archeological Congress) / Research by D. I. Ilovaysky. P. 55–144 (scans 38–82)
Journal of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.Part 177, January 1875
Bulgarians and Rus’ on Azov Pomorye. By D. Ilovaysky. P. 93–147 (scans 135–190)
Russian antiquity. 1885 [T. 46. Book. 5]. May
1885 [T. 46. Book. 5]. May. 1885.
Millennium of Cyril and Methodius, 885-1885. Reported by D. I. Ilovaysky P. 367–376 (scans)
Russian antiquity. 1885. T. 48. [Book. eleven]. November
1885. T. 48. [Book. eleven]. November. 1885.
On the Methodius Collection. Reported by D. I. Ilovaysky. P. 411–419 (scans 197–205)
Russian antiquity. 1888. T. 58. [Book. 4-6]. April June
1888. T. 58. [Book. 4-6]. April June. 1888.
On the 900th anniversary since the Christianization of Rus’. Letter to the editor of “Russkaya Starina” M. I. Semenovsky from D. I. Ilovaysky. P. 203–204 (scans 213–214)
Ancient and new Russia.1878 [T.1], № 2
Memories of Halych on the Dniester River. P. 120–123 (scans 28–31)
Hellenian-Skythian peace on the shore of Pontus, historical and ethnographical essay. P. 153–169 (scans 51–67)