Reviews and reviews of the work of other authors

Reviews and reviews of the work of other authors

Russian archive.G. 12,1874, [CN.eleven

Russian archive.Moscow: University Typography (rinks and to °), 1863-1917.G. 12,1874, [CN.1], 1. 1873.
RGPU them.A. I. Herzen

Review on the Russian print in the last 18 years by D. I. Ilovaysky. Column 223–246 (scans 118–129)

Ancient and new Russia.1880 T. 16, № 4 (Apr.)

Ancient and new Russia.St. Petersburg: [chromolite.and type.IN AND.Grazian].1880 T. 16, No. 4 (Apr.).1880.
РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена

More on the origin of Rus’. Kunik “News of Al-Bekra about other authors on Rus’ and Slavs”. SPb, 1878; Solovyov “The origin of Russian land” (“Collection of state knowledge”. V. IV and VII. SPb, 1877-1879); Thomsen «Der Ursprung des Russischen Staates». Gotha, 1879. P. 635–650 (scans 11–26)

Russian bulletin. 1888. T. 199. [No. 12]. December

Russian bulletin.
1888. T. 199. [No. 12]. December. St. Petersburg: Type. T-va "The Society of Benefits," 1888.
РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена

Historical and Critical Notes: “The origin of Knyaginya Olga” by Archimandrite Leonid. “Rus’ and Byzantium in X Century” by F. I. Uspensky. “Ancient trade with Regensburg” by V. G. Vasilevsky. “Cyril and Methodius, Slavic first teachers” by I. I. Malyshevsky. “History of Middle Ages” by M. N. Petrova, edited by V. K. Nadler, “History of Middle Ages” by N. A. Oskina / [Comp.] by D. I. Ilovaysky. P. 3–18 (scans 9–24)
