Administrative division
Administrative division
b) the formation of the Dagestan region.N. May 9, 1842 - K. September 4, 1842
b) the formation of the Dagestan region.N. May 9, 1842 - K. on September 4, 18421842.
The case in relation to Count Bludov, with the pre -provision of the project on the formation of the Dagestan region
Police Department of the Executive Ministry.The case in relation to Count Bludov, with the pre -provision of the project on the formation of the Dagestan region.
The case of the Council of Ministers on the allocation of the Dagestan region in administratively from the Transcaucasus.
Collection: The case of the Council of Ministers on the allocation of the Dagestan region in administratively from the Transcaucasus.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский Государственный Исторический Архив"