Materials on the life and work of Nikolay Karamzin
Materials on the life and work of Nikolay Karamzin
Karamzin and his predecessors
Celine, Alexander Ivanovich (1816-1877). Karamzin and his predecessors. St. Petersburg: in the printing house of Edward Pratz, 1847.
Karamzin in the history of the Russian literary language
Grotto, Jacob Karlovich (1812-1893). Karamzin in the history of the Russian literary language. St. Petersburg: in print by V. Golovin, 1867.
Presidential Library and RGIA will digitize documents dedicated to NM Karamzin
The Presidential Library and RGIA will digitize documents dedicated to N.M. Karamzin. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2016.
Evolution of Psychologism in Prose NM Karamzin
Kudrevatykh, Anastasia Nikolaevna (candidate of philological sciences). Evolution of psychologism in prose NM Karamzin. Ekaterinburg, 2010.
The evolution of NM Karamzin-journalist
Akchurina, Alexandra Romanovna (Candidate of Philology). The evolution of NM Karamzin-journalist. Moscow, 2013.
Russian archive. G. 7 1869, No. 12
Russian archive. Moscow: University Press (Katkov and Co.), 1863-1917. No. 7 1869, No. 12. 1869.
РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена
Biographies and characteristics
Bestuzhev-Ryumin, Konstantin Nikolayevich (1829-1897). Biographies and characteristics. St. Petersburg: type. V.S. Balasheva, 1882.
The history of Russian literature of the nineteenth century. Issue. 1. Karamzin in the pre-Alexander era. Issue. 2: Karamzin in the Alexander era
Smirnovsky, Peter Vladimirovich (1846-1904). The history of Russian literature of the nineteenth century. St.Petersburg: Typo-lithography of M. P. Frolova, 1899-1904.
Вып. 1: Karamzin in the pre-Alexandrov era; Issue. 2: Karamzin in the Alexandrian era. 1899.
Вып. 1: Karamzin in the pre-Alexandrov era; Issue. 2: Karamzin in the Alexandrian era. 1899.
On the importance of Karamzin in the history of Russian legislation
Kalachov, Nikolai Vasilyevich (1819-1885). On the importance of Karamzin in the history of Russian legislation. Moscow: In the University Press (Katkov and Co.), 1866].
The faces of the female world in NM Karamzin's anthologies
Nikolaychuk, Darya Grigorievna (Candidate of Philology). The boundaries of the female world in NM Karamzin's anthologies. Saratov, 2015.