Intergovernmental economic relations

Intergovernmental economic relations

On recovering money from the former commercial procurer of the Manchurian Army Gromov for the cattle that he did not have enough during the Russo-Japanese War

Russia. Council of Ministers. On recovering from the former commercial procurer of the Manchurian army Gromov funds for his underserved cattle during the Russo-Japanese War. 1915-1916.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"

On the return of the German steamer Anhalt, bought by the German military, Eviring and Helfeld, bought by the Military Ministry, when the steamer from Germany was traveling with a military cargo for Port Arthur in 1904

Council of Ministers (1905-1917).
About the return of the German steamer Anhalt, bought by the German military, to the German citizens Eviring and Helfeld, while the steamer from Germany was traveling with a military cargo for Port Arthur in 1904
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"

On the reimbursement of losses to the Danish East Asian Company incurred during the Russo-Japanese War for the supply of food for troops in the Far East

Russia. Council of Ministers. On the reimbursement of the Danish East Asian company for the losses incurred by it during the Russo-Japanese War in the supply of food for troops in the Far East. 1909-1913.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"

On reimbursement to the Norwegian government of losses incurred in connection with the detention in March of the steamers Argo, Brand, Seyerstadt in Port Arthur,

Russia. Council of Ministers. On reimbursement to the Norwegian government of losses incurred in connection with the detention in 1904 in Port Arthur parades "Argo", "Brand", "Seyerstad." 1907.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"

On the prohibition of disclosure of documents confiscated from the Austrian Society of Steel Products "Böhler et C-ie" during the quartermaster's audit, as a result of the provision of public tacit support to Russia during the Russo-Japanese War

Russia. Council of Ministers. On the prohibition of disclosure of documents confiscated from the Austrian Steel Products Society "B \ u00F6hler and C-ie" during the quartermaster's audit, due to the provision of public tacit support to Russia during the Russo-Japanese War. 1910. \n
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"

On the investigation of the abuses of Russia's extraordinary envoy in Korea. owls. A. Pavlov and Major Desino during the Russian-Japanese war, including during the evacuation of Port Arthur. Part 1

Russia. Council of Ministers. On the investigation of the abuses of Russia's extraordinary envoy in Korea. owls. A. Pavlov and Major Desino during the Russian-Japanese war, including during the evacuation of Port Arthur. Part 1. 1908.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"

On the investigation of the abuses of Russia's extraordinary envoy in Korea. owls. A. Pavlov and Major Desino during the Russian-Japanese war, including during the evacuation of Port Arthur. Part 2

Russia. Council of Ministers. On the investigation of the abuses of Russia's extraordinary envoy in Korea. owls. A. Pavlov and Major Desino during the Russian-Japanese war, including during the evacuation of Port Arthur. Part 2. 1910.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"

On the allocation of an additional loan for the compensation of the East Asian company in Copenhagen for the sunk ships loaded with Russian cruisers during the Russo-Japanese War, belonging to the company

Russia. Council of Ministers. On the allocation of an additional loan for the compensation of the East Asian company in Copenhagen for the sunk ships loaded with Russian cruisers during the Russo-Japanese War, belonging to the company. 1909.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"

At the suggestion of the British government to transfer to the International Hague Tribunal the case of the sinking of the English commercial steamer Knight-Commander with a load of military contraband in the Pacific during the Russo-Japanese War by Russian cruisers

Russia. Council of Ministers. At the suggestion of the British government that the case for the sinking of the British commercial steamer Knight-Commander with a load of military contraband to the International Hague Tribunal for sinking in the Pacific during the Russo-Japanese War was taken by Russian cruisers. 1908.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"