City of Orel
City of Orel
The selection presented the official documents, archival materials, essays, reviews, memoirs, and the cartographic, pictorial and audio materials related to the city of Orel.
Charter of the city of Eagle
Eagle. Laws. Charter of the city of Orel. [Eagle, 2005].
Администрация города Орла. Официальный сайт
Coat of arms of the city of Orel
Coat of arms of the city of Orel. 1998.
Администрация города Орла
Protocol and transcript of the twelfth meeting of the Oryol Oblast Duma of 26 February 1996
Oryol Region. The Duma (12; 1996).
The minutes and transcript of the twelfth meeting of the Oryol Oblast Duma of February 26, 1996. Film [Eagle, 1996].
ФСО России
On conferring the honorary title of the Russian Federation "City of military glory"
Russian Federation. President (2004-2008, V.V. Putin). On conferring the honorary title of the Russian Federation "City of military glory" to Orel. Moscow, 2007.
ФСО России
On the celebration of the 450th anniversary of the foundation of the town of Eagle
Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). On the celebration of the 450th anniversary of the founding of the city of Orel. Moscow, 2009.
ФСО России
Orel city affairs
Ilyinsky, V.N. Orlovsky urban affairs. Eagle: lithograph type MP Gavrilov, 1894.
AP Ermolov in 1827 at a party with my father in Orel
Burnashev, Vladimir Petrovich (1810-1888). AP Ermolov in 1827 at a party with my father in Orel. [B. m., between 1827 and 1888].
Орловская ОНУПБ
A matriculation certificate issued to PA Stolypin by the gymnasium of the city of Orel
A matriculation certificate issued to PA Stolypin by the gymnasium of the city of Orel. [1881].
Фонд изучения наследия П. А. Столыпина