General Work

General Work

Petra Creation

Zanegin, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1938–2013).Petra Creation.
Children's Museum Postcards

Features the postcards: Peter I. 1672-1725; Voronezh shipyards. 1696; Beginning of the new calendar. 1700; Navigation school. 1701; First apothecaries. 1701; First newspaper “Vedomosti”. 1703; The foundation of St. Petersburg. 1703; The introduction of the Civil Script. 1708; The Victory of Poltava. 1709; The Victory of Gangut. 1714; The Establishment of the Library of the Academy of Sciences. 1714; New life. 1718; The Establishment of the Academy of Sciences. 1725; Ural factories; New army; Foreign trade
