Relations with individual states
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3, 1872, [v. 5, book. 4-6, April-June]. 1872.
Ancient and new Russia.1876 T. 1, № 1
N. G. Ustryalov. Peter the Great in Zhovkva. P. 5–12 (scans 9–16) [describes the episode of the Great Northern War, when King of Poland Augustus II secretly signed a peace treaty with Sweden]
Collection of the Moscow chief archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Vol.1-5
A. D. Putyata. On the topic of Prussian alliance during the first half of the Great Northern War. P. 81–138 (scans 45–102) [1877]
Journal of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.1883. Part 225. [№ 2].February
A. G. Brückner. Russia-France relations during the reign of Peter the Great. [P. I.]. 1681–1712. P. 264–300 (scans 88–124)
Journal of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.1883. Part 227. [№ 5].May
A. G. Brückner. Russia-France relations during the reign of Peter the Great. [P. II]. De Lavie’s reports. (1715-1718). P. 14–40 (scans 110–146)
Journal of the Ministry of Education.Part 228, August 1883
A. G. Brückner. Russia-France relations during the reign of Peter the Great. [P. III].
Peter’s journey to France in 1717. P. 161–187 (scans 23–49)
Russian antiquity. 1890. [T. 65. Book. 4.]. April
1890. [T. 65. Book. 4.]. April. 1890.
N. S. Golitsyn. Russian soldiers in Prussian service. 1713–1817. P. 125–132 (scans 129–136) [from the history of Russia-Prussia relations]
Historical Herald. 1898. T. 71-72. March, April
1898 T. 71-72. March, April. 1898.
V. Timizyarev. Russian diplomats of XVIII century in England [beginning]. P. 243–266 (scans 637–660)
Historical Herald. 1898. T. 72. May-June
1898. T. 72. May-June. 1898.
Тимизярев В. Русские дипломаты XVIII столетия в Англии [окончание]. С. 567–581 (сканы 215–232)
Journal of the Ministry of Education. 1898. Part 315. [No. 2]. February
1898. Part 315. [No. 2]. February. 1898.
G. V. Forsten. Russia-Sweden Relations in the second half of XVII century. (1648-1700). [P. I]. P. 210–278 (scans 92–159)
Georg Johann von Keyserlingk – the representative of Prussian King at the Peter the Great’s court. P. 803–844 (scans 389–430)