Tambov Oblast

Tambov Oblast

Proceedings of the Tambov Agricultural Experimental Station. Issue. 4. Agronomical characteristics of soil strips in Tambov province

Tambov Agricultural Experimental Station. Proceedings of the Tambov Agricultural Experimental Station. Tambov, 1915-1930.
Вып. 4: Agronomical characteristics of the soil strips of the Tambov province. Tambov: Printing house of publishing cooperative society of Tambov region, 1920.
Тамбовская ОУНБ

Proceedings of the Tambov Agricultural Experimental Station. Issue. 5. Soil humus and yield

Tambov Agricultural Experimental Station. Proceedings of the Tambov Agricultural Experimental Station. Tambov, 1915-1930.
Вып. 5: Soil humus and yield. Tambov: Printing house of publishing cooperative society of Tambov region, 1920.
Тамбовская ОУНБ