History of the Kuban Cossacks and the Kuban Cossack Host
History of the Kuban Cossacks and the Kuban Cossack Host
Historical news Khopersky regiment of the Kuban Cossack troops
Tolstov, Vasily (1857-?).Historical news Khopersky regiment of the Kuban Cossack Army.Ekaterinodar: Type.Kuban.region.I correct. 1896.
Memo of the Kuban Cossack Host
Chervinsky, Vitaly Yakovlevich
Memo of the Kuban Cossack Host.
St. Petersburg: Type. D.V. Chichinadze, 1896.
St. Petersburg: Type. D.V. Chichinadze, 1896.
Collection of historical materials on the history of the Kuban Cossack troops.T. 1. Kuban region.Caucasian line.Cherneharsk army Cossack.Hawk Cossacks
Dmitrenko.Ivan Ivanovich.Collection of historical materials on the history of the Kuban Cossack troops.St. Petersburg., 1896-1898.T. 1: Kuban region;Caucasian line;Black Sea Cossack;Hawk Cossacks.1896.
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A collection of historical materials on the history of the Kuban Cossack army.T. 2
Dmitrenko.Ivan Ivanovich.A collection of historical materials on the history of the Kuban Cossack army.SPb., 1896-1898.T. 2. 1896.
Донская ГПБ
The bicentennial of the Kuban Cossack Army, 1696-1896
Karalenka, Procopies Petrovich (1834-).The bicentennial of the Kuban Cossack Army, 1696-1896.Ekaterinodar: Type.Kuban.region.I correct. 1896.
History of the Kuban Cossack Host. T. 2. History of the war of the Cossacks with the Kuban mountaineers
Shcherbina. Fyodor Andreevich. 1849-1936. History of the Kuban Cossack Host. Ekaterinodar: type. The Cuban. reg. edit, 1910-1913.
T. 2: History of the Cossacks war with the Kuban mountaineers. Ekaterinodar: type. T-va print. and ed. affairs p / f "Printers", 1913.
T. 2: History of the Cossacks war with the Kuban mountaineers. Ekaterinodar: type. T-va print. and ed. affairs p / f "Printers", 1913.
- Azov Cossack Host
- Organization of the Azov Cossack Host
The case of opening the parish school in Posad Petrovsky Azov Cossack troops
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.The case of the opening of the parish school in Posad Petrovsky Azov Cossack troops. - Military Service
On the formation in the Azov Cossack army of one team for cruising between redoubt-kale and the strengthening of St. Nicholas.N. November 23, 1852 - K. May 1, 1853
On the formation in the Azov Cossack army of one team for cruising between redoubt-kale and the strengthening of St. Nicholas.N. November 23, 1852 - K. May 1, 18531852.
- Yekaterinoslav Cossack Host
- History of the Yekaterinoslav Cossacks and the Yekaterinoslav Cossack Host
The first century of Ekaterinoslav, 1787 - May 9 - 1887.
Vladimirov The first century of Ekaterinoslav, 1787 - May 9 - 1887.
Ekaterinoslav: Type. Ya.M. Chaussky, 1887.Ethnographic sketch of folk life of Ekaterinoslavsky Krai
Babenko, Vasily Alekseevich (1878-). Ethnographic sketch of folk life of Ekaterinoslavsky Krai. Ekaterinoslav: Ekaterinoslav. lips. zemstvo, 1905. - Cossack Estate
The case on the proposal of the Ekaterinoslav Civil Governor, about the desire of the peasants of the village of Bogdanovsky to enter the Cossack title
Department of Police Executive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (1811-1880).
Case on the proposal of the Ekaterinoslav Civil Governor, about the desire of the peasants of the village of Bogdanovsky to enter the Cossack title.
- Black Sea Cossack Host
- History of the Black Sea Cossacks and the Black Sea Cossack Host
Historical notes on the army of the Black Sea
Turenko, Alexander Mikhailovich Historical notes on the army of the Black Sea.
Kiev: Type. A. Davidenko, rent. L. Stahom, 1887.On the settlement of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus by the Cossack Host
Dukmasov, Ivan Arkhipovich (1826-). Cossack settlement of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Moscow: Univ. type., 1887.Collection of historical materials on the history of the Kuban Cossack troops.T. 3. The army of the faithful Black Sea Cossacks
Dmitrenko.Ivan Ivanovich.Collection of historical materials on the history of the Kuban Cossack troops.St. Petersburg., 1896-1898.T. 3: The army of the faithful Black Sea Cossacks.1896. - Organization of the Black Sea Cossack Host
On the changes in the military rule of the Black Sea Cossack army.N.16 September 1860-K.13 Deckabar, 1860.
On the changes in the military rule of the Black Sea Cossack army.N.16 September 1860-K.13 Deckabar 1860. 1860.The Atamans of the Black Sea Cossack Army of the 18th Century
Korolenko, Prokopy Petrovich (1834-). Koshevye atamans of the Black Sea Cossack army of the XVIII century.
St. Petersburg: the Publishing house. "Bulletin of Cossack troops," 1901. - Cossack Estate
Black Sea Cossacks in their civil and military life
Popko, Ivan Diomidovich (1819-1893). Black Sea Cossacks in their civil and military life. St. Petersburg: type. P.A. Kulisha, 1858. - Cossack Land Tenure. Economy of the Black Sea Cossack Host
According to the highest approved regulation of the Military Council on the withdrawal of lands to officials and Cossacks of the Black Sea Cossack army for breeding fruit and grape gardens.N. October 6, 1856 - K. October 6, 1856
According to the highest approved regulation of the Military Council on the withdrawal of lands to officials and Cossacks of the Black Sea Cossack army for breeding fruit and grape gardens.N. October 6, 1856 - K. October 6, 18561856.On the sale of 10 thousand acres of land in the former Black Sea, now the Kuban Cossack army.N. 7 January 1865 - K. January 30, 1865
On the sale of 10 thousand acres of land in the former Black Sea, now the Kuban Cossack army.N. January 7, 1865 - K. January 30, 18651865. - Military Service
The case of production on the border guard to the officers and Cossacks of the Black Sea Troops of the monthly provisions
Police Department of the Executive Ministry.The case of production on the border guard to the officers and Cossacks of the Black Sea troops of the monthly provisions.Black Sea Cossacks in the war of 1812 and foreign campaigns of 1813-1814.
Govorov, Anna Vladimirovna.Black Sea Cossacks in the war of 1812 and foreign campaigns of 1813-1814 gg.Kursk 2009.