Memory of the poet
- Jubilees of Alexander Pushkin
- 100th anniversary
The case of the celebration of the centenary of the birth of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin
Directorate of Imperial Theaters of the MIDV.The case of the celebration of the century on the birthday of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin.Historical bulletin.T. 76, [May-June].Autographs Manuscripts Pushkin
Historical bulletin.St. Petersburg: izd.-ed.SN Shubinsky, 1880-1917.T. 76, [May-June]: autograph manuscripts of Pushkin.1899.Автографы рукописей А. С. Пушкина: Письмо к А. И. Тургеневу (1823 г.), стихотворение «Я помню чудное мгновенье» (1825 г.), отрывок из «Путешествия в Арзрум» (1829 г.); иллюстрации; факсимиле некролога, заметки о смерти поэта и др). . С. 1-113 (сканы 5-99)
Pushkin AS: Anniversary album in commemoration of the centenary of the poet's birth, 1799-1899
Pushkin AS: Anniversary album in commemoration of the centenary of the poet's birth, 1799-1899. 1899.Magazines (nineteen) meetings of the Committee of Representatives of Literary and Art Societies and Commissions on the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin
Molchanov Anatoly Evgrafovich (1856-1921).Magazines (nineteen) meetings of the Committee of Representatives of Literary and Art Societies and Commissions on the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin.январь - апрель 1899
The case on various issues caused by the anniversary celebration in the centenary anniversary of the birth of A.S.Pushkin
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).The case on various issues caused by the anniversary celebration in the centenary anniversary of the birth of A.S.Pushkin.апрель 1899 - ноябрь 1900
Жизнь. 1899, т. 5, № 5
Жизнь. Санкт-Петербург, 1897-1901.
1899, т. 5, № 5. 1899.Номер полностью посвящен 100-летию А. С. Пушкина
Journal for all. D. 4 1899, No. 5
Journal for all. St. Petersburg, 1895-1906.
No. 4 1899, No. 5. 1899.Конский П. А. С. Пушкин; Клейман С. Памяти Пушкина; А. Г. Поэт и жизнь; проф. Н. Сумцов Доброжелательство А. С. Пушкина; Н. Рожков Пушкинская Татьяна и грибоедовская Софья в их связи с историей русской женщины XVII и XVIII веков. С. 1-27, стлб. 515-566 (сканы 1-27)
In memory of Pushkin
In memory of Pushkin. Kiev: Printing house of the Imperial University of St. Vladimir, 1899.Глюкке Н.Э. Памяти Пушкина: Стихотворение; Владимиров П. В. Пушкин и его предшественники в русской литературе; Н.П. Дашкевич Пушкин в ряду великих поэтов нового времени; Лобода А. М. Отзвуки пушкинской поэзии в последующей русской литературе; Флоринский Т. Д. Пушкин и Челяковский; Владимиров П. В. Отношение к Пушкину русской критики с 1820 года до столетнего юбилея 1899 года; Степович А.И. Из пушкинской юбилейной литературы; Лобода А. М Пушкин в Каменке
Сборник посвящен столетию со дня рождения А. С. ПушкинаCollection of articles about A.S.Pushkin
Collection of articles about A.S.Pushkin.Kyiv: ed.Kyiv.ped.Oh, the qualification.1899.Herald of Europe. G. 34 1899, v. 4, book. 7, July
Herald of Europe. St. Petersburg, 1866-1918.
G. 34 1899, v. 4, book. 7, July. 1899.Соловьев В. С. Особое чествование Пушкина. Письмо в редакцию. С. 432-440 (сканы 438-446)
Friends and enemies Pushkin in literature
Speransky, M.N.Friends and enemies of Pushkin in the literature.Nezhin: Typio-lit.M.V.Glezer, 1899.Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and commemoration of his memory
Faresov, Anatoly Ivanovich (1852-1928). Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and the commemoration of his memory. S.-Petersburg: printing house of AS Suvorin, 1899.Two speeches on the 100th anniversary of the birth of Emperor Nicholas I and Alexander Pushkin
Two speeches on the 100th anniversary of the birth of Emperor Nicholas I and Alexander Pushkin.
St. Petersburg: Typography of the Main Directorate of Units, 1900.MN Katkov on Pushkin
Katkov, Mikhail Nikiforovich (1818 or 1817-1887). MN Katkov on Pushkin. Moscow: University. type., 1900.The merits of Alexander Pushkin before the Russian people
Kashpurev, Alexey Semenovich Merits of Alexander Pushkin before the Russian people.
Kiev: Type. I. I. Gorbunova, 1900.Речь, посвященная столетию со дня рождения А. С. Пушкина
Essay on the Pushkin Jubilee Literature
Loboda, Andrei Mitrofanovich (1871-1931). An outline of Pushkin's jubilee literature. Kiev: printing house TG Meinander, 1900.Обзор литературы, вышедшей к 100-летию со дня рождения А. С. Пушкина
1. Pushkin's rehabilitation. 2. A few words about the Hauptmann
Mogilyansky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1873-1942). 1. Pushkin's rehabilitation; 2. A few words about the Hauptmann. St. Petersburg: printing house A. Porokhovshchikova, 1901.Pushkin Jubilee Literature
Sipovsky, Vasily Vasilyevich (1872-1930). Pushkin Jubilee Literature. St. Petersburg: publication of the Pushkin Lyceum Society, 1902.New about Pushkin
Shcheglov, Ivan.New about Pushkin.St. Petersburg: ed.S.-Peterb.T-va printed and ed.Cases "Labor", 1902.Книга посвящена празднованию 100-летия со дня рождения поэта
- 125th anniversary
New about Pushkin: (by the 125th anniversary of the birth of A. S. Pushkin and the 100th anniversary of the poet’s exile in the village of Mikhailovskoye, the Pskov province) / smooth Alexander Klentievich;A.K. Gladky, Corresponding Employee of the Pushkin House at the Russian Academy
New about Pushkin: (by the 125th anniversary of the birth of A. S. Pushkin and the 100th anniversary of the poet’s exile in the village of Mikhailovskoye, the Pskov province) / smooth Alexander Klentievich;A.K. Gladky, Corresponding Employee of the Pushkin House at the Russian Academy of Sciences in the Pskov province.1924.Text of N. Tchaikovsky's speech at the meeting of emigrants dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Pushkin
Nikolai Tchaikovsky, participant in the revolutionary movement of the 1870s, creator of the Tchaikovsky Society, member of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, head of the Supreme Administration of the Northern Region, head of the Provisional Government of the Northern Region, member of the South Russian government under General AI Denikin.
Text of N. Tchaikovsky's speech at the meeting of emigrants dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Pushkin. - 175th anniversary
170 years by A.S. Pushkin, Lyceum in Pushkin: the restoration is completed, Angelina Minina conducts an excursion
170 years by A.S. Pushkin, Lyceum in Pushkin: the restoration is completed, Angelina Minina conducts an excursion.175 years old A.S. Pushkin: Lithuanian poet Eduard Melaitis
175 years old A.S. Pushkin: Lithuanian poet Eduard Melaitis. - 185th anniversary
Drawings by Alexander Pushkin
Drawings by Alexander Pushkin. - 200th anniversary
- 220th anniversary
Riddles of Genius: Do we know Pushkin?
Sedova, Galina Mikhailovna (1957-).Riddles of Genius: Do we know Pushkin?.St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2019.
- Anniversaries of death of the poet
- 50th anniversary
The case about the fiftieth anniversary of the death of the poet A.S.Pushkin
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).The case about the fiftieth anniversary of the death of the poet A.S.Pushkin.декабрь 1886 - январь 1887
In memory of the fiftieth anniversary of the death of A.S.Pushkin
In memory of the fiftieth anniversary of the death of A.S.Pushkin.St. Petersburg: ed.Imp.Alexander Lyceum, 1887.A few words about the significance of Pushkin in the history of Russian literature
Zhdanov, Ivan Nikolayevich (literary critic, 1846-1901). A few words about the significance of Pushkin in the history of Russian literature. St. Petersburg: printing house R. Golike, 1887.Оттиск из издания: 29 января 1887 года: в память пятидесятилетия кончины А. С. Пушкина. Спб., 1887
Works by VD Spasovich. T. 1. Literary essays and portraits
Spasovich, Vladimir Danilovich (1829-1906). Works by VD Spasovich. S.-Petersburg: Legal book store "Right", 1913.
T. 1: Literary essays and portraits. 1913.Спасович В. Д. О Пушкине. Речь, произнесенная 31 января 1887 г. в С.-Петербурге на поминальном обеде по поводу исполнившегося пятидесятилетия со дня кончины Пушкина. . С. 209-213 (сканы 223-229)
- 100th anniversary
Collection of laws and regulations of the Workers 'and Peasants' Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 1935, No. 64 (December 29)
THE USSR. Laws and regulations. Collection of laws and regulations of the Workers 'and Peasants' Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Moscow, 1924-1937.
1935, No. 64 (December 29). 1936.Об учреждении Всесоюзного Пушкинского комитета в связи со столетием со дня смерти А.С. Пушкина. С. 911 (скан 5)
Bonfire. 1937, No. 2 (February)
Bonfire. Moscow: Central Committee of the VLKSM, Publishing House of Children's Literature, 1936-; Leningrad. Film 1937, No. 2 (February). 1937.A red star. 1937, No. 34 (4492) (10 February)
A red star. Leningrad, 1921-1938.
1937, No. 34 (4492) (February 10). 1937.Red flag. 1937, No. 33 (4896) (Feb. 10)
Red flag. 1937, No. 33 (4896) (Feb. 10). Tyumen: Type. publishing house "Red Flag", [1923] -.Crocodile. 1937. № 3. January
Crocodile. Moscow, 1922-. Film 1937. № 3. January. 1937.Murzilka. [G. 13 1937, No. 2]
Murzilka. Moscow, 1924-.
[G. 13 1937, No. 2]. 1937.Материалы, посвященные столетию со дня смерти А.С. Пушкина. С. 11-16 (сканы 15-20)
Pioneer. 1937, No. 2
Pioneer. Moscow, 1924-.
1937, No. 2. 1937.Новиков И. День в Гурзуфе. Рассказ о южной ссылке А. С. Пушкина, опубликованный в связи с годовщиной смерти поэта. С. 30-35 (сканы 30-35)
Pushkin 1837-1937.1937. No. 2
Pushkin 1837-1937.1937. No. 2. 1937.Однодневная газета, выпуск второй. Издание Комитета по устройству Дня русской культуры во Франции
Pushkin and Siberia
Pushkin and Siberia.1937.Soviet Siberia. 1937, No. 34 (5198) (10 Feb.)
Soviet Siberia. Novosibirsk, 1919-.
1937, No. 34 (5198) (10 Feb.): 1937, No. 34 (5198) (10 Feb.). 1937.
- Monuments to the poet
- General section
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment (1803-1917).Foundation Department of Folk Enlightenment.The case of opening a widespread subscription for the construction of the monument to the late our poet Alexander Pushkin.Immediately about donation rank
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment (1803-1917).Russia.Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.Department of Folk Enlightenment.The case of opening a widespread subscription for the construction of the monument to the late our poet Alexander Pushkin.Immediately about donation to the officials of the Department and the editorial office of the journal and the Acheographic Commission in favor of St. Petersburg Sunday Schools.1861.январь – август 1861 (сканы 6-8)
The case of the opening, according to the highest command, everywhere, subscriptions to the construction of the monument to Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin
Directorate of Imperial Theaters of the MIDV.The case of the opening, according to the highest command, is everywhere, subscriptions to the construction of the monument to Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin.январь 1861 - февраль 1862
The case of the order by the sovereign of Tsesarevich living in Florence by the sculptor Zabello of the marble statue "Tatyana" from the poem of Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin"
The office of the court of the heir to the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.The case of the order by the sovereign of Tsesarevich living in Florence by the sculptor Zabello of the marble statue of Tatyana from the poem of Pushkin Evgeny Onegin.декабрь 1864 - 20 февраль 1868
The case of a subscription to the construction of the monument to Pushkin
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).The case of a subscription to the construction of the monument to Pushkin.май 1871 - июль 1879
Letter A. Bazunova to Alexander Illarionovich Vasilchikov about making money on a monument to Pushkin and on the scholarship [named D.A.] Milyutin and about the transfer of the new edition of the book of Vasilchikov "On Self-Government"
Vasilchikov, princes.Letter A. Bazunova to Alexander Illarionovich Vasilchikov about making money for a monument to Pushkin and on the scholarship [named D.A.] Milyutin and about the transfer of the new edition of the book of Vasilchikov "On Self-Government" to the Commission.август 1872
The case of ordering a sculptor in Paris to Mr. Bernstam Busts of Ostrovsky and Pushkin
Directorate of Imperial Theaters of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.The case of ordering a sculptor in Paris to Mr. Bernstam Busts of Ostrovsky and Pushkin.ноябрь 1886
The case of the followed by the highest resolution for the provision of the highest established commission for the construction of the monument A.S.Pushkin in St. Petersburg Imperial Theaters: in Mariinsky and Moscow Bolshoi Theaters
Directorate of Imperial Theaters of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.The case of the followed by the highest resolution for the provision of the highest established commission for the construction of the monument A.S.Pushkin in St. Petersburg Imperial Theaters: in the Mariinsky and Moscow Bolshoi Theaters.ноябрь 1902 - май 1903
- Ashgabat, a city
Monument to A.S.Pushkin in the city of Ashabad of the Cospian region
Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.Monument to A.S.Pushkin in the city of Ashabad of the Custinian region.1911 - 1917
- Barnaul, a city
- Dnepropetrovsk, a city
- Zhytomyr, a city
Volyn province. The project of the monument to Alexander Pushkin in the mountains. Zhitomir
Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Film The Volyn province. The project of the monument to Alexander Pushkin in the mountains. Zhytomyr.1899
- Yoshkar-Ola, a city
- Chisinau, a city
Monument to A.S.Pushkin in the city of Chisinau Bessarabian province
Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.Monument to A.S.Pushkin in the city of Chisinau Bessarabian province.Не ранее мая 1885
Monument to A.S.Pushkin in the city of Chişinău Bessarabian province built on May 26, 1885
Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.Monument to A.S.Pushkin in the city of Chişinău Bessarabian province was built on May 26, 1885.Не ранее 1885
- Moscow, the city
"Speech by I.S. Turgenev regarding the opening of the monument to A.S. Pushkin in Moscow" - notch from "Bulletin of Europe" with proofreading amendments [I.S.Turgenev?]
Molchanov Anatoly Evgrafovich (1856-1921)."Speech by I.S. Turgenev regarding the opening of the monument to A.S. Pushkin in Moscow" - notch from "Bulletin of Europe" with proofreading amendments [I.S.Turgenev?].май 1880
- Nizhny Novgorod Region
Boldino. [Monument to Alexander Pushkin]
Boldino. [Monument to Alexander Pushkin].Между 1925 и 1975
- Odessa
Monument to A.S. Pushkin in the city of Odessa Kherson province
Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Monument to A.S. Pushkin in the city of Odessa Kherson province.Не ранее 1889
Monument to A.S. Pushkin in the city of Odessa Kherson province
Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Monument to A.S. Pushkin in the city of Odessa Kherson province.Не ранее 1889
Odessa. Monument to the great Russian poet AS Pushkin
Odessa. Monument to the great Russian poet A. Pushkin.1947
- Orenburg
Orenburg. Monument to Alexander Pushkin. Sculptor V. Stepanyan
Orenburg. Monument to Alexander Pushkin. Sculptor V. Stepanyan.1985
- Pskov Region
The Pushkin Mountains. The grave of the great Russian poet AS Pushkin
The Pushkin Mountains. The grave of the great Russian poet AS Pushkin.До 1960
Pushkin's grave in the Svyatogorsk Monastery
The grave of Pushkin in the Svyatogorsk monastery.1968.1968
The Pushkin Mountains. Grave of Alexander Pushkin
The Pushkin Mountains. Grave of Alexander Pushkin.1969
Svyatogorsky Monastery. Grave of Alexander Pushkin
Svyatogorsky Monastery. Grave of Alexander Pushkin.Между 1980 и 1990
Grave of Alexander Pushkin. The Holy Assumption Monastery of St. Svyatogorsky (Pushkin Mountains)
Kassirova, Anastasia Alexeevna (1991-). Grave of Alexander Pushkin. The Holy Assumption Monastery of St. Svyatogorsky (Pushkin Mountains). St. Petersburg, May 3, 2015.Фотографии могилы А. С. Пушкина и Святогорского Свято-Успенского мужского монастыря, на территории которого она расположена: 1-2. Успенский собор ; 3-4. Могила А. С. Пушкина ; 5-6. Вид с лестницы на монастырские строения ; 7. Каменные кресты
2015 - St. Petersburg
Leningrad. Obelisk in place of the duel of Alexander Pushkin. Architect A. Lapirov, bas-relief of the sculptor M. Manizer. 1937
Leningrad. Obelisk in place of the duel of Alexander Pushkin. Architect A. Lapirov, bas-relief of the sculptor M. Manizer. 19371961
- Places related to the name and activity of the poet
- Kalinin region
- Crimea
Memory of Pushkin in Gurzuf
Bertier-Delagard, A.L. Pamyat about Pushkin in Gurzuf.St. Petersburg: Type.Imp.Acad.Sciences, 1913.Pushkin in the Crimea
Kotsyubinsky, S.D. Pushkin in Crimea.[Simferopol]: state.Publishing House Crimea.ASSR, 1937. - Moscow, the city
- Nizhny Novgorod region
The case of the Council of Ministers on the proposal of the Ministry of Finance of March 15, 1911 on the permission to purchase the estate of A.S. Pushkin in the village of Boldino in the village of Boldino in the Lukoyanovsky district of the Nizhny Novgo
Council of Ministers (1905-1917).
The case of the Council of Ministers on the proposal of the Ministry of Finance on March 15, 1911 on the permission to purchase the estate of A.S. Pushkin in the village of Boldino Lukoyanovsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod province.1910-1911
Letters of the grandson A.S.Pushkina L.A.Pushkin to the Minister of Education A.N.Schwartz and President of the Academy of Sciences P.V.Nikitin with a request to promote the acquisition of the estate in the village of Bolshoi Boldin of the Nizhny Novgorod province
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).Letters of the grandson A.S.Pushkina L.A.Pushkin to the Minister of Education A.N.Schwartz and President of the Academy of Sciences P.V.Nikitin with a request to promote the acquisition of the estate in the village of Bolshoi Boldin of the Nizhny Novgorod province.1910-1911
Boldino. Museum-Reserve Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin // Russian reporter. 2014, No. 43 (371) (November 6-13)
Russian reporter. Film Shlykov, Alexey. Boldino. Alexander Pushkin Museum-Reserve. - Pskov region
On the transfer to the Pskov nobility of the estate of Alexander Pushkin "Mikhailovskoye" Opochetsky. Pskov Gubernia, which is run by the State. noble land bank
Council of Ministers (1905-1917). Film about the transfer to the Pskov nobility of the estate of Alexander Pushkin "Mikhailovskoye" Opochetskyi u. Pskov Gubernia, which is run by the State. noble land bank.Pushkin's corners
Shveder, Evgeny Iosifovich (1879-1946). Pushkin's corners. [St. Petersburg]: The publication of the magazine "The Path", [1910].Рассказ о местах в Псковской области, связанных с именем поэта, с рисунками автора
Mikhailovskaya Pushkinian. Issue. 5. The Trigorsk Collection
Mikhailovskaya Pushkinian. Moscow, 1996 -.
Вып. 5: Trigorsk collection. 1998.Mikhailovskaya Pushkinian. Issue. 13. Pushkin's Mikhailovsky Encyclopedia (materials). Mikhailovsky. Trigorskoye
Mikhailovskaya Pushkinian. Moscow, 1996 -.
Вып. 13: Pushkin's Mikhailovsky Encyclopedia (materials). Mikhailovsky. Trigorskoye. 2001.Mikhailovskaya Pushkinian. Issue. 16. "... That corner of the earth"
Mikhailovskaya Pushkinian. Moscow, 1996 -.
Kozmin, Vyacheslav Yurievich (Candidate of Philology). Issue. 16: "... That corner of the earth." 2001.Mikhailovskaya Pushkinian. Issue. 17. Land of the native past fate
Mikhailovskaya Pushkinian. Moscow, 1996 -.
Nikiforov, Victor Grigorievich. Issue. 17: The land of the native past fate. 2001.Pushkin places of the Pskov land in 1837-1945: from the noble manor to the State Reserve
Gavrilova, Evgenia Aleksandrovna (candidate of historical sciences). Pushkin places of the Pskov land in 1837-1945: from the noble manor to the State Reserve. St. Petersburg, 2015. - Saint Petersburg, a city
Pushkinsky Petersburg
Yatsevich, Andrei Grigorievich (1887-1942). Pushkinsky Petersburg. Leningrad: Society "Old Petersburg - New Leningrad", 1933.
май - декабрь 1898