The October Revolution
The final act of the revolutionary events of 1917 was an overthrow of the Provisional Government and a seizure of power by the Bolsheviks on October 25 (November 7), 1917, which manifested the beginning of a new stage in Russian history (read more).
The section contains bibliographic references; the research works focused on the events that occurred in Petrograd and their assessment; the memoirs, diaries and the letters of contemporaries, including both supporters and opponents of the Soviet power; cuttings from numerous periodicals of different political orientation (“Bulletin of the Provisional Government,” “Worker's Way,” “Social Democrat,” etc.); textbooks and learning aids dedicated directly to the October Revolution; an extensive array of archival materials, in particular, the orders of the overthrown Provisional Government; telegrams and proclamations of A. F. Kerensky, of the commanders of the military forces of the Russian Republic, public and political figures, workers, etc.; materials for the celebration of this event in 1918—1921.
The Revolution of 1917.T. 5. October
The Revolution of 1917.Moscow: State Publishing House, [1923-1930];Petrograd.T. 5 October.1926.Revolution of 1917. T. 6. October - December
Revolution of 1917. Moscow: State Publishing House, [1923-1930]; Petrograd.
T. 6: October - December. 1930.27 октября (9 ноября) 1917 г. (сканы 15-26)
- Bibliographical references
October Revolution
October Revolution. Moscow: Partisector KOGIZA, 1934.Глава «Октябрьская революция и Гражданская война» (сканы 12–17);
Глава «Октябрьская революция и Гражданская война в воспоминаниях современников» (сканы 22–28)The Great October Socialist Revolution
The Great October Socialist Revolution. Moscow, 1938.The Great October Socialist Revolution
The Great October Socialist Revolution. Moscow, 1942.Vladimir Ilyich Lenin on the Great October Socialist Revolution
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin on the Great October Socialist Revolution. Petrozavodsk: State Publishing House of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, 1957.These days the glory will not fail
Gubareva, Mira Nikolaevna (1925-). These days glory will not fail. Moscow, 1957.The Great October Socialist Revolution in Memoirs and Fiction
The Great October Socialist Revolution in memoirs and fiction. Moscow: Soviet Russia, 1957.Cinema and photo documents on the history of Great October 1917-1920
Cinema and photo documents on the history of Great October 1917-1920. Moscow: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1958. - General works on the October Revolution
The Great Proletarian Revolution
Great proletarian revolution. Tiflis: The Young Proletarian, 1920.The Menshevik Party and the Russian Revolution
Vardin, Illarion Vissarionovich (1890-1941). The Menshevik Party and the Russian Revolution. Moscow: Red Nova, 1922.Глава «Октябрьский переворот и партия меньшевиков» (сканы 11–13)
The October Revolution in Russia, its background and course
Piontkovsky, Sergei Andreevich (1891-1937). The October Revolution in Russia, its background and course. Moscow: State Publishing House, 1923; Petrograd.Главы V – IX (сканы 45–94)
The Great October Revolution
Khodorovsky, Iosif Isaevich (state and party figure, 1885-1938). The Great October Revolution. Moscow: State Publishing House, 1924.Глава «От Февраля к Октябрю» (сканы 27-36);
Глава «Октябрьская революция и Гражданская война» (сканы 36–44)How the October Revolution was born
Kanatchikov, Semyon Ivanovich (1879-1940). How the October Revolution was born. Leningrad: The Surf, 1925.Глава «Перед Октябрем» (сканы 59-70);
Глава «Октябрьские бои» (сканы 70–86)October Revolution
October Revolution. Hotels Moscow; Leningrad: State Publishing House, 1926.Краснов П. Н. «На внутреннем фронте». Главы «Во что бы то ни стало»; «Измена штаба фронта»; «Керенский»; «Выступление в поход»; «Взятие» Гатчины»; «Взятие» Царского Села»; «В Царском Селе»; «Бой под Пулковым»; «Перемирие» с большевиками»; «Бегство керенского. В плену у большевиков»; «Кошмар» (сканы 87-129);
Синегуб А. П. «Защита зимнего дворца в день 25 октября 1917» (сканы 174-203);
Коренев С. А. «День 25 октября» (сканы 204-210);
Керенский А. Ф. «Гатчина» (сканы 211-244);
Станкевич В. Б. «Октябрьское восстание» (сканы 245-275);
Милюков П. Н. «Низвержение Временного правительства» (сканы 276-312);
Деникин А. И. «Очерки русской смуты». Глава «Большевистский переворот» (сканы 313-337);
Ан-ский С. «После переворота 25-го октября» (сканы 338- 353);
Демьянов А. «Записи о подпольном Временном правительстве» (сканы 354-373)
Приложения - «Ставка 25-26 октября 1917 г.» (сканы 426-457);
«Летопись событий: 25 октября 1917 г – 7 января 1918 г.» (сканы 458-461)October
October. Moscow: Down with illiteracy, [1928]; Leningrad.Левидова С. «Смольный в Октябре» (сканы 11–21)
October Revolution
Alekseev, Sergei Alexandrovich (1878-). October Revolution. Moscow: The Young Guard, 1929; Leningrad.Часть 2 «Предпосылки Октябрьской революции». Глава «Путь большевистской партии от февраля к октябрю» (сканы 113-124);
Часть 3 «Организация и ход Октябрьской революции». Главы «Партия большевиков и Ленин, как организующая сила Октябрьской революции»; «Ленин о восстании, как искусстве»; «Ленин об объективных предпосылках Октябрьского восстания»; «Ленин о практической организации восстания»; «Образование военно-революционного комитета и борьба его с Временным правительством»; «Накануне восстания»; «Восстание 25 октября»; «Установление советской власти. 2 всероссийский Съезд Советов» (сканы 124-176);
Часть 4 Победа пролетарской революции. Главы «Поход Керенского на Петроград»; «Борьба за власть в Петрограде. «Комитет спасения родины и революции» и юнкерское восстание»; «Попытка образования общесоциальной власти»; «Октябрьская революция и ставка» (сканы 176-230; 244-276)City of Lenin in October
Chukhman, Sarah Izrailevna (1888-1966). The city of Lenin in October. [Leningrad]: Surf, 1929.Глава «Как организовался военно-революционный комитет» (сканы 15-17);
Глава «Погибнуть, но не пропустить неприятеля» (сканы 17-19);
Глава «Как жил город перед восстанием» (сканы 19-23);
Глава «Смольный-штаб восстания» (сканы 23-24);
Глава «Изолируют Временное правительство» (сканы 25-30);
Глава «Зимний дворец 25 октября» (сканы 30-34);
Глава «Керенский не помог» (сканы 34-36);
Глава «Петропавловская крепость в дни и часы восстания» (сканы 36-39);
Глава «Конец Временного правительства» (сканы 39-40);
Глава «Второй съезд Советов» (сканы 40-44);
Глава «Дело, за которое боролся народ…обеспечено!» (сканы 44-47);
Глава «Как родилась контр-революция» (сканы 47-50)Victory of October
Diman, Jan Yanovich. The victory of October. Moscow: OGIZ, 1931; Leningrad: The Moscow Worker.Глава «14 лет назад» (сканы 5-8);
Глава «Почему пролетариат не победил также и в других странах» (сканы 8-12)The Great October Socialist Revolution
Kuchkin, Andrei Pavlovich (1888-1973). The Great October Socialist Revolution. Moscow: State Social and Economic Publishing House, 1938.Глава «Подготовка вооруженного восстания» (сканы 57-66);
Глава «Организация вооруженного восстания» (сканы 66-77);
Глава «Октябрьское вооруженное восстание» (сканы 77-91);
Глава «Первые бои советской власти против контрреволюции» (сканы 91–95)How the workers and peasants established Soviet power and defended it in the civil war
Volin, Boris Mikhailovich (1886-1957). How the workers and peasants established Soviet power and defended it in the civil war. Moscow: True, 1946.Глава «Великая Октябрьская социалистическая революция» (сканы 5–25)
How the Great October Socialist Revolution triumphed
Burdzhalov, Eduard Nikolayevich. How the Great October Socialist Revolution triumphed. [Moscow]: OGIZ, 1948.Глава «Организация штурма» (сканы 99–195)
The Great October Socialist Revolution
Golikov, Georgiy Nazarovich (doctor of historical sciences, 1913-1980). The Great October Socialist Revolution. Moscow: State Publishing House of Political Literature, 1954.Глава «Победа Великой октябрьской социалистической революции» (сканы 105-141)
The Great October Socialist Revolution and the Bolshevik Party
Andreev, Andrei Andreevich (politician, 1895-1971). The Great October Socialist Revolution and the Bolshevik Party. Moscow: State Publishing House of Political Literature, 1957.The Great October Socialist Revolution
Gaponenko, Luka Stepanovich (1910-). The Great October Socialist Revolution. Moscow: Publishing house of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1957.Глава «Подготовка вооруженного восстания» (сканы 138-151);
Глава «Победа вооруженного восстания в Петрограде. Второй Всероссийский съезд советов» (сканы 152-168);
Глава «Всемирно-историческое значение победы Великой Октябрьской социалистической революции» (сканы 169–177)How was proclaimed Soviet power in our country
Dedov, N.N. (Candidate of Legal Sciences). How was proclaimed Soviet power in our country. Sverdlovsk, 1957.From the history of the Great October Socialist Revolution
From the history of the Great October Socialist Revolution. [Moscow]: Publishing house of Moscow University, 1957.Городецкий Е.Н. «Из истории Петроградского Военно-революционного комитета» (сканы 10–58);
Найденов Е.М. «Великая Октябрьская социалистическая революция в освещении советской (русской) исторической литературы» (сканы 263–318);
Штейн Б.Е. «Некоторые вопросы истории Великой Октябрьской социалистической революции и Гражданской войны в СССР в освещении зарубежной историографии периода 1917–1924 гг.» (сканы 319–368)How the Great October Socialist Revolution triumphed
Murashov, Sergey Ilyich. How the Great October Socialist Revolution triumphed. Moscow: State Publishing House of Political Literature, 1957.Глава «Победная поступь пролетарской революции» (сканы 59–88)
Revolution of 1917 and Soviet history in covering Russian religious emigre thought
Gaman, Lydia Alexandrovna Revolution of 1917 and Soviet history in covering Russian religious émigré thought.
Tomsk, 2008. - On the Place of the October Revolution in History of Russia
The victory of the revolution and the political tasks of the working class
Suvorov, S.Pobeda revolution and the political tasks of the working class. Yaroslavl, 1917.What the revolution gave the people
Khodorovsky, Iosif Isaevich (state and party figure, 1885-1938). What the revolution gave the people. Moscow: publishing house "Renewal", 1917.October. 1917-1922
October. 1917-1922. [Makhachkala, 1922].What gave the peasants the October Revolution
Shestakov, Andrei Vasilyevich (1877-1941). What gave the peasants the October Revolution. Moscow: State Publishing House, 1925.What did the Great October Socialist Revolution give to the workers and peasants
What did the Great October Socialist Revolution give to the workers and peasants? Moscow: The Moscow Worker, 1937.The Great October Socialist Revolution and the formation of a new man
Rosenthal, Mark Moiseevich (1906-1975). The Great October Socialist Revolution and the formation of a new man. Moscow: True, 1947.The October Revolution and the Victory of Socialism in the USSR
Sppanyan, Tsolak Aleksandrovich (Doctor of Philosophy, 1911-2002). The October Revolution and the victory of socialism in the USSR. [Moscow]: The Moscow Worker, 1947.October Socialist Revolution and its place in the history of our Motherland
Yakovlev, Nikolai Nikiforovich (1898-1970). The October Socialist Revolution and its place in the history of our Motherland. [Moscow]: OGIZ, 1947.The Great October Socialist Revolution and its historical significance
Petrov, Ivan Fedorovich. The Great October Socialist Revolution and its historical significance. Moscow: Military Publishing House of the Ministry of Armed Forces of the USSR, 1948.The Great October Socialist Revolution and some questions of the development of Soviet society
The Great October Socialist Revolution and some questions of the development of Soviet society. Minsk: Publishing house of the Belarusian State University, 1957.Сикорский В. М. «Октябрьская революция и прогрессивное развитие человечества» (сканы 7-72);
Янченко С. Е. «Использование закона преимущественного рост производства средств производства в ходе социалистического строительства в СССР» (сканы 73-96);
Мальцев А. И. «Сельское хозяйство белорусской ССР к 40-летию Великого Октября» (127-150);
Лаптенок В. Д. «Октябрьская революция и формирование социалистического сознания советского крестьянства» (сканы 151-226);
Маханек Г. С. «Торжество ленинской национальной политики в СССР» (сканы 227-250) - V. I. Lenin and the October Revolution
Lenin and the October Revolution
Lenin and the October coup. Tiflis: Zakkniga, 1924.The leadership of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b), headed by Lenin, local party organizations during the preparation and conduct of the Great October Socialist Revolution
Voevodin, Vladimir Nikolaevich The leadership of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b), headed by V.I. Lenin, local party organizations during the preparation and conduct of the Great October Socialist Revolution.
Odessa, 1978.Lenin and the October Armed Uprising
Saveliev, Maximilian Alexandrovich (1884-1939). Lenin and the October armed uprising. Moscow: State Publishing House, 1927; Leningrad.Lenin and October
Sapunov, Alexander Sergeevich. Lenin and October. Moscow: State Publishing House, 1927; Leningrad.Vladimir Ilyich Lenin on the Great October Socialist Revolution
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin on the Great October Socialist Revolution. Petrozavodsk: State Publishing House of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, 1957. - On the global significance of the October Revolution
Soviet Russia and the American Socialist Workers Party
Soviet Russia and the American Socialist Workers' Party. New York: Nat. executive committee. Soc. slave. Party, 1920.October Revolution before the court of American senators
October Revolution before the court of American senators. Moscow: Gos. publishing house, 1927; Leningrad.The world-historical significance of the Great October Socialist Revolution
The course of universal history. Moscow, 1945.
[Lecture No. 8]: The World-Historical Importance of the Great October Socialist Revolution. 1945.World significance of the Great October Socialist Revolution
Dokukin, Vladimir Ignatievich. World significance of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Moscow: [printing house of the newspaper Pravda], 1947.The international significance of the Great October Socialist Revolution
Ternovoi, Oleg Ivanovich. The international significance of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Stalingrad: Regional book publishing, 1947.The international situation during the Great October Socialist Revolution. The foreign policy of Soviet Russia in 1917-1918
Ivashin, Ivan Fedorovich. The international situation during the Great October Socialist Revolution. Foreign policy of Soviet Russia in 1917-1918. Moscow, 1951.World-historical significance of the Great October Socialist Revolution
Ivashin, Ivan Fedorovich. World-historical significance of the Great October Socialist Revolution. [Moscow]: State Publishing House of Political Literature, 1953.The national liberation movement in Iranian Azerbaijan in 1917-1920.
Tagiyev, Shovket Aziz-Aga gizi (1926-). National liberation movement in Iranian Azerbaijan in 1917-1920. Baku: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR, 1956.1. The influence of the Great October Socialist Revolution on China. "Movement May 4" in 1919. 2. The rise of the labor movement. Education and the beginning of the activities of the Communist Party of China
Heifets, Alexander Naumovich (1917-1985). 1. The influence of the Great October Socialist Revolution on China's "May 4 Movement" of 1919. 2. The rise of the labor movement, the formation and the beginning of the activities of the Communist Party of China. Moscow, 1956.The world-historical significance of the Great October Socialist Revolution
World-historical significance of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Moscow, 1957.World-historical significance of the Great October Socialist Revolution in Russia
World-historical significance of the Great October Socialist Revolution in Russia. Voronezh, 1957.On the question of the influence of the Great October Socialist Revolution on the international workers' movement
Ivakin, V.I. On the question of the influence of the Great October Socialist Revolution on the international working-class movement. Uralsk, 1957.Great October and the countries of the East
Kim, Georgiy Fedorovich (1924-1989). Great October and the countries of the East. Moscow: Soviet Russia, 1957.Material for the lecture on the topic: "The Great October and the National Liberation Movement of the Peoples of the East"
Kim, Georgiy Fedorovich (1924-1989). Material for the lecture on the theme: Great October and the national liberation movement of the peoples of the East. Moscow, 1957.The influence of the February revolution in Russia and the Great October Socialist Revolution on the working class of Germany
Mammah, Klaus. The influence of the February revolution in Russia and the Great October Socialist Revolution on the working class of Germany. Moscow: Foreign Literature Publishing House, 1957.Глава «Великая Октябрьская социалистическая революция и её влияние на рабочий класс Германии» (сканы 87-155)
October revolution and foreign Slavic peoples
October revolution and foreign Slavic peoples. Moscow: State Publishing House of Political Literature, 1957.The Great October Socialist Revolution and Equitable Soviet-Chinese Relations
Momunbayev, Isan M. The Great October Socialist Revolution and Equitable Soviet-Chinese Relations. Frunze: Kyrgyz State Publishing House, 1957.From the sparks of October
Timofeev, Timur Timofeevich (Doctor of Historical Sciences, 1928-). From the sparks of October. Moscow: State Publishing House of Political Literature, 1957.Ideas of October live in the Korean people
Ha An Chen. The ideas of October live in the Korean people. Moscow: State Publishing House of Political Literature, 1957.The October Revolution and the Liberation of the Peoples of the East
Ho Chi Minh. The October Revolution and the Liberation of the Peoples of the East. M.: Gospolitizdat, 1957.VI Lenin on the International Significance of the October Revolution
Chuvikov, Pavel Andreevich. VI Lenin on the international significance of the October Revolution. Moscow: State Publishing House of Political Literature, 1957. - Representation of the October Revolution in the works of contemporaries
Two revolutions
Manuilsky, Dmitry Zakharovich (1883-1959). Two revolutions. Petersburg: ed. Surf, 1918.Об Октябрьской революции (сканы 21-36)
Stages of the Great Russian Revolution
Stepnoy, Nikolai Alexandrovich (1878-1947). Stages of the Great Russian Revolution. Samara: The Steppe, 1918.Глава «Первое 25 октября. 12 ч. 40 м. дня» (сканы 105-107);
Глава «Октябрьские дни» (сканы 107-112)October Revolution
Trotsky, Lev Davydovich (1879-1940). October Revolution. Moscow: The Communist, 1918; Petrograd.Essays on the Russian Troubles. T. 2. The struggle of General Kornilov
Denikin, Anton Ivanovich (1872-1947). Essays on the Russian Troubles. The struggle of General Kornilov.
Paris: J.Povolozky \u0026 C °, Editeurs, 1921-1926. Paris: J. Povolotsky and Co., 1921.Глава «Большевистский переворот. Попытки сопротивления. Гатчина. Финал диктатуры Керенского. Отношение к событиям в Ставке и Быхове» (сканы 159-169)
In the days of October
Naumov, Ivan Kupriyanovich. In the days of October. Leningrad: State Publishing House, 1924.Глава «Накануне восстания» (сканы 39-65);
Глава «Восстание» (сканы 65-98);
Глава «Победа, победа» (сканы 98-129)Kronstadt and Peter in 1917
Raskolnikov, Fedor Fedorovich (1892-1939). Kronstadt and Peter in 1917. Moscow: State Publishing House, 1925; Leningrad.Глава «Накануне Октябрьской революции» (208-237);
Глава «Октябрьская революция» (сканы 237-280)Russia is at a turning point. T. 1. The origin and strengthening of the Bolshevik dictatorship
Milyukov, Pavel Nikolaevich (politician, 1859-1943). Russia is at a turning point. Paris, 1927.
T. 1: The Origin and Strengthening of the Bolshevik Dictatorship. 1927.Глава «Почему большевики взяли верх?». Раздел «Открытая подготовка переворота» (сканы 142-151);
Глава «Почему большевики удержались у власти?». Разделы «Тактика использования «революционных конъюнктур»; «Причины и проявления нерешительности»; «Первая опора власти – коммунистическая партия»; «Вторая опора власти – красная армия»; «Третья опора власти: красный террор» (сканы 152-231)History of the Russian Revolution. T. 2. The October Revolution
Trotsky. Lev Davidovich. 1879-1940. History of the Russian Revolution. Berlin: Granit Publishers, 1933.
T. 2: The October Revolution. 1933.Глава «Военно-революционный комитет» » (сканы 105-142);
Глава «Ленин зовет к восстанию» » (сканы 143-189);
Глава «Искусство восстания» » (сканы 190-224);
Глава «Завладение столицей» » (сканы 225-266);
Глава «Взятие Зимнего дворца» » (сканы 267-304);
Глава «Октябрьское восстание» (сканы 305-332) - Collected volumes of documents and materials
Documents of October
Documents of October. Moscow: Party Publishing House, 1932.Documents of the Great October Socialist Revolution
Documents of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Moscow: State Publishing House of Political Literature, 1942.From the history of the struggle for the establishment of Soviet power
From the history of the struggle for the establishment of Soviet power. Moscow: State Publishing House of Political Literature, 1943.Глава «Военно-революционные комитеты в борьбе за власть Советов» (сканы 22-52);
Глава «Пролетарская революция на фронте» (сканы 53-69)Revolutionary movement in Russia after the overthrow of autocracy
Revolutionary movement in Russia after the overthrow of the autocracy. Moscow: publishing house of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1957.
October Revolution
Aristova, P. M.October Revolution. Moscow: State Publishing House, 1927; Leningrad.The October Socialist Revolution
Mints, Isaak Izrailevich (historian, 1896-1991). The October Socialist Revolution. Moscow: State Publishing House of Political Literature, 1939.The Great October Socialist Revolution
Yakovlev, Nikolai Nikiforovich (1898-1970). The Great October Socialist Revolution. Moscow: Military Publishing House, 1946.The Great October Socialist Revolution
Kim, Maxim Pavlovich. The Great October Socialist Revolution. Moscow: printing house "Red Proletarian", 1950.The historical significance of the great experience of the three Russian revolutions
Brodskaya, Maria Feliksovna. The historical significance of the great experience of the three Russian revolutions. Chardzhou: [Regional Printing House], 1957. - RECOLLECTIONS, DIARIES
October 1917
October 1917. Rostov-on-Don: State Publishing House. The Don branch, 1921.Memories
Wrangel, Nikolai Egorovich (1847-1923). Memories. [Berlin]: book publishing The word, 1924.Об отношении к большевикам и Октябрьской революции, о положении в Петрограде в конце 1917 г. (сканы 243-258)
Speakers of October
Levidov, Mikhail Yulievich (1891-1942). Speakers of October. [Kharkov]: publishing house "Proletary", 1925.From my memories
Raskolnikov, Fedor Fedorovich (1892-1939). From my memories. [Moscow]: Working Moscow, 1926.Глава «Смольный» (сканы 9-14);
Глава «Фронт не защищен» (сканы 14-17);
Глава «Ильич на боевом посту» (сканы 17-20);
Глава «Кронштадский отряд» (сканы 20-26);
Глава «На Пулковском фронте» (сканы 26-35)From February to the seizure of power
Ilyin-Genevsky, Alexander Fedorovich (1894-1941). From February to the seizure of power. Leningrad: working publishing house "Priboy", [1927].Глава «Октябрьская Революция» (сканы 117–145)
October Revolution in the memories of the participants
October Revolution in the memories of the participants. Moscow: State Publishing House, 1929; Leningrad.Lenin - the leader in October
Lenin - the leader of the October Revolution.Leningrad: Lenizdat 1956.Lenin in October
Lenin in October.Moscow: Gospolitizdat 1957. - CORRESPONDENCE
1917: private testimonies of the revolution in the letters of Lunacharsky and Martov
1917: private evidence of the revolution in the letters of Lunacharsky and Martov. Moscow: Publishing house of the Russian University of Peoples' Friendship, 2005.Письма А.В. Луначарского А.А. Луначарской в период с 12 (25) октября 1917 г. по 27 октября (9 ноября) (сканы 274–288)
- V. I. Lenin on the October Revolution
Appeals of VI Lenin in response to the numerous requests of the peasants to the population in connection with the victory of the October Revolution and a telegram about Lenin's consent to remain a deputy in the Constituent Assembly of the Baltic Fleet
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Appeals of VI Lenin in response to numerous requests of peasants to the population in connection with the victory of the October Revolution and a telegram about VI Lenin's consent to remain a deputy in the Constituent Assembly of the Baltic Fleet.Lenin's Appeal "To the Population" in connection with the victory of the October Revolution, the decision of the Council of People's Commissars on the formation of the Chancery of the Constituent Assembly, the theses of VI Lenin on the dissolution of the
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Lenin's Appeal "To the Population" in connection with the victory of the October Revolution, the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars on the formation of the Chancery of the Constituent Assembly, the theses of VI Lenin on the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly, and the organization of employees of central government agencies.Note by VI Lenin on the need for armed insurrection
Military Revolutionary Committee (Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee, PTRC) under the All-Russia Central Executive Committee. Lenin's Note on the Need for an Armed Insurrection.The speech of Comrade VI Lenin at the Second All-Russian Congress of Peasants' Deputies dated December 15 (2), 1917. (A typewritten copy and a clipping from the newspaper "Pravda" dated December 18 (5), 1917)
Executive Committee of the All-Russian Council of Peasants' Deputies. Film The Speech of Comrade VI Lenin at the Second All-Russian Congress of Peasants' Deputies dated December 15 (2), 1917. (A typewritten copy and a clipping from the newspaper Pravda on December 18 (5), 1917).Leninism and international routes in October
Safarov, George I. (1891-1942).Leninism and international routes in October.Leningrad: business publishing "Surf" 1924.Leninism and the assessment of the nature of the October Revolution
Maori, N.Leninizm and assessment of the nature of the October Revolution.Moscow: Moscow Worker, 1928;Leningrad.Lenin - the leader in October
Lenin - the leader of the October Revolution.Leningrad: Lenizdat 1956.Lenin in October
Lenin in October.Moscow: Gospolitizdat 1957.VI Lenin on the International Significance of the October Revolution
Chuvikov, Pavel Andreevich. VI Lenin on the international significance of the October Revolution. Moscow: State Publishing House of Political Literature, 1957.Lenin and Stalin - the leaders of the Great October Socialist Revolution
Ponomarev, Boris Nikolaevich (historian; 1905-1995).Lenin and Stalin - the leaders of the Great October Socialist Revolution.Penza: the publication of the newspaper "Stalin's banner" 1945.Congratulatory telegrams to Lenin and the CPC, on the anniversary of the Great October Revolution and the revolution in Germany
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (CPC of the RSFSR).Congratulatory telegrams to Lenin and the CPC, on the anniversary of the Great October Revolution and the revolution in Germany.Welcome telegrams to VI Lenin on the second anniversary of the October Revolution
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Welcome telegrams to VI Lenin on the second anniversary of the October Revolution. - Public response to the October Revolution
"We, workers of the Petrograd factories and plants, appeal to the All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers', Peasants' and Soldiers' Deputies ..."
"We, workers of the Petrograd factories and plants, appeal to the All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers', Peasants' and Soldiers' Deputies ...". [B. m.: b. and., 1917].Telegrams on the attitude towards the October Revolution, Soviet power and the Constituent Assembly, the situation at the front, and others. Order of Kerensky to the troops of the Petrograd Military District from 27 / X-1917 (sheets 83-85)
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Telegrams on the attitude towards the October Revolution, Soviet power and the Constituent Assembly, the situation at the front, and others. Order of Kerensky to the troops of the Petrograd Military District from 27 / X-1917 (sheets 83-85).Telegram-appeal of a member of the All-Russian Committee for the Salvation of the country and revolution, Commissioner of the Petrograd Military District Malevsky to the soldiers of Petrograd
Documentary materials from the period of the First World War and the interim government (Collection of documents received from the USSR Academy of Sciences).
Telegram-appeal of a member of the All-Russian Committee for the Salvation of the Country and Revolution, Commissioner of the Petrograd Military District Malevsky to the soldiers of Petrograd. - Kerensky-Krasnov’s march to Petrograd
Appeal of the minister-chairman of the Provisional Government and the supreme commander-in-chief Kerensky to parts of the troops of the Petrograd garrison, who took the side of the Bolsheviks
Proclamation of the Minister-Chairman of the Provisional Government and Supreme Commander-in-Chief Kerensky to the units of the troops of the Petrograd garrison, who took over the side of the Bolsheviks.Field book of Kerensky AF with orders and orders to the troops of the Petrograd military district in the October days
Field book of Kerensky AF with orders and orders to the troops of the Petrograd military district in the October days.Telegrams signed by Dukhonin, Krasnov, Baranovsky, Bogaevsky and others to Commander-in-Chief Kerensky AF with reports on the advance of troops in the October days
Telegrams signed by Dukhonin, Krasnov, Baranovsky, Bogaevsky and others to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Kerensky AF with reports on the advance of troops in the October days.Order commander of the troops of the Russian Republic, concentrated near Petrograd, Major-General Krasnov
Order of Commander of the troops of the Russian Republic, concentrated near Petrograd, Major-General Krasnov.Brochure of an unidentified author "The October offensive on Petrograd and the reasons for the failure of the campaign. (Notes of the White Officer)". Finland
Denikin Anton Ivanovich, Lieutenant-General, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces in the South of Russia.
Brochure of an Unknown Artist "The October Offensive on Petrograd and the Reasons for the Campaign's Failure." (Notes of a White Officer). " Finland. - Reminiscence of the Revolution
Congratulatory telegrams to Lenin and the CPC, on the anniversary of the Great October Revolution and the revolution in Germany
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (CPC of the RSFSR).Congratulatory telegrams to Lenin and the CPC, on the anniversary of the Great October Revolution and the revolution in Germany.Protocols and resolutions of general meetings of workers with greetings to the day of the October anniversary
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Protocols and resolutions of general meetings of working people with greetings for the day of the October anniversary.Missing a member of the Committee for the October holidays
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR). Film The passage of a member of the Committee for the October holidays.Welcome telegrams to VI Lenin on the second anniversary of the October Revolution
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Welcome telegrams to VI Lenin on the second anniversary of the October Revolution.Appeal without a signature from Berlin in connection with the 2 anniversary of the October Revolution
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Appeal without a signature from Berlin in connection with the 2 anniversary of the October Revolution.Report of the Second Sub-Committee on the Work on the History of the October Revolution
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Report of the 2nd Subcommittee on the Work on the History of the October Revolution.Welcome telegrams on the day of the 3rd Anniversary of the October Revolution
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Welcome telegrams on the day of the 3rd Anniversary of the October Revolution.Greetings from the Government of the DDA to the working people of the RSFSR on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the October Revolution
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Greetings from the Government of the DDA to the working people of the RSFSR on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the October Revolution.Film calendar of the revolution and construction of the USSR
Film calendar of the revolution and construction of the USSR. Moscow: Production of the film collective at the Central Committee of the USSR People's Commissariat for Labor "Photogeny", 1926.В издании представлена идея создания в СССР просветительско-пропагандистского проекта, так называемого «Кино-календаря революции и строительства СССР», силами производственного трудового кино-коллектива «Фотогения» и под редакцией народного комиссара просвещения РСФСР А. В. Луначарского. Отмечалось, что снятые на кинопленку короткометражные эпизоды, отражающие основные политические, экономические и общественные события советского государства и образующие своего рода «динамический календарь», должны придти на смену «отжившим свой век» бумажных календарям, которые «не поспевают за временем». Иными словами, речь шла о создании актуальной документальной кинохроники.
Cuttings from the newspaper "Herald of the Provisional Government" for 1917. October. Part 2
Print reviews, extracts and cuttings from print (collection).
Scraps from the newspaper "The Herald of the Provisional Government" for 1917. October. Part 2.12 (25) октября - 17 (30) октября 1917 г. (сканы 47-86)
The year of the revolution (February 1917 - March 1918)
Zinoviev, Grigory Evseevich (party and statesman, 1883-1936). The year of the revolution (February 1917 - March 1918). Leningrad: State Publishing House, 1925.Глава «Октябрьская революция» (статьи из периодического издания «Рабочий путь», 25 октября (7 ноября) -26 октября (8 ноября) 1917 г.) (сканы 409-414)
On the approaches to October
Bukharin, Nikolai Ivanovich (statesman, 1888-1938). On the approaches to October. Moscow: State Publishing House, 1926; Leningrad.Глава «Октябрь» (статьи из периодических изданий «Социал-демократ», «Спартак», 12 (25) октября – 27 октября (9 ноября) 1917 г.) (сканы 132-153)
Olminsky, Mikhail Stepanovich (1863-1933). 1917 year. Moscow: publishing house of the Communist University. Ya. M. Sverdlov, 1926.Глава «Октябрь» (статьи из периодического издания «Социал-демократ», 12 (25) октября – 26 октября (8 ноября) 1917 г.) (213-228)
From February to October
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich (1870-1924).From February to October.[Moscow]: Partizdat the CPSU (b) 1937.Глава «Письмо к товарищам», написано 16-17 (29-30) октября 1917 г. (сканы 219-243);
Глава «Письмо в центральный комитет Р.С.-Д.Р.П.», написано 19 октября (1 ноября) 1917 г. (сканы 245-252);
Глава «Письмо членам Ц.К.», написано 24 октября (6 ноября) 1917 г. (сканы 253-256);
Глава «Заседание Петроградского Совета Р. и С.Д.». Разделы: «Доклад о задачах власти Советов. Краткий газетный отчет»; «Резолюция» (сканы 257-262) - Maps and plans
The Great October Socialist Revolution and the triumphant procession of Soviet power
The Great October Socialist Revolution and the triumphant procession of Soviet power. Moscow: Main Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1954. - FINE ART MATERIAL
- The October Revolution
- The October armed uprising in Petrograd (October 24 (November 6) - October 26 (November 8), 1917)
October. [Petrograd: World Bureau of Artistic Propaganda of the Third International, 1920].Great October in selected works of artists
Great October in selected works of artists. Moscow: Soviet artist, 1955.The Great October in Painting and Graphics
Great October in painting and graphics. Moscow: Soviet artist, 1956.The Smolny. [Smolny proezd, 1]
The Smolny. [Smolny proezd, 1].October. Red Guards and revolutionary soldiers guard the entrance to Smolny. [Smolny proezd, 1]
October. Red Guards and revolutionary soldiers guard the entrance to Smolny. [Smolny proezd, 1].The picket of the Red Guard checks passes at the entrance to Smolny. Smolny proezd, 1
The picket of the Red Guard checks passes at the entrance to Smolny. Smolny proezd, 1.At the entrance to Smolny. Smolny proezd, 1
At the entrance to Smolny. Smolny proezd, 1.By 11 o'clock on October 25th all auto-armored reconnaissance, including the heavy armored car "Ilya Muromets" with an artillery gun, arrived in Smolny at the disposal of the Military Revolutionary Committee. Smolny proezd, 1
Kobozev, Ivan Semenovich (party and public figure, 1893-1973). By 11 o'clock on October 25th all auto-armored reconnaissance, including the heavy armored car "Ilya Muromets" with an artillery gun, arrived in Smolny at the disposal of the Military Revolutionary Committee. Smolny proezd, 1.The revolutionary detachment of the Baltic Fleet arrived in Petrograd. The destroyers "Samson" and "Zabiyaka" on the Neva. The revolutionary ship "Samson" sailors called "the brother of the Aurora" "
Kobozev, Ivan Semenovich (party and public figure, 1893-1973). The revolutionary detachment of the Baltic Fleet arrived in Petrograd. The destroyers "Samson" and "Zabiyaka" on the Neva. The revolutionary ship "Samson" sailors called "the brother of the Aurora" ".Group of participants storming the Winter
Kobozev, Ivan Semenovich (party and public figure, 1893-1973). Group of participants storming Winter.Krasnogvardeysky patrol at the fire on Petrograd street in the early days of October
Krasnogvardeysky patrol at the fire in Petrograd street in the early days of October.The patrol of the Military Revolutionary Committee on the streets of Petrograd in the October days. [Nevsky Prospekt]
The patrol of the Military Revolutionary Committee on the streets of Petrograd in the October days. [Nevsky Prospekt].October in Petrograd.One of the Red Guards
OCUP, Peter Adolfovich (1883-1963).October in Petrograd.One of the Krasnogvardeysian detachments.Red Guard
OCUP, Peter Adolfovich (1883-1963).Red Guard.Cruiser Aurora"
Cruiser Aurora".MG Sokolov (1875-1951). The arrest of the Provisional Government. 1917 year. 1930
MG Sokolov (1875-1951). The arrest of the Provisional Government. 1917 year. 1930.October Days of 1917 in Petrograd
October Days of 1917 in Petrograd.Guard in the Tauride Palace, guarding the arrested Ministers of the Provisional Government
Guard in the Tauride Palace, guarding the arrested Ministers of the Provisional Government. Petrograd, [October 26] 1917.Winter in the morning of October 26, 1917
Kobzez, Ivan Semenovich (parties. And societies. Worker; 1893-1973).Winter in the morning of October 26, 1917 - The Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets
The October Revolution opened a new era in world history. VI Lenin
The October Revolution opened a new era in world history. VI Lenin.[Decree of the world.Decree of Earth]
[Decree of the world.Decree of Earth]. - October events in faces
Album on the history of the CPSU (b)
Album on the history of the CPSU (b). Moscow: the edition of the Museum of the Revolution of the USSR, 1926.«Редакция «Рабочего пути» (Правды) в октябре 1917 г.» (сканы 131-134);
«Редакция «Социал-Демократа», московского органа большевиков в октябре 1917 г.» (сканы 135-138);
«Политический центр партии большевиков по руководству Октябрьским восстанием (политбюро), избранный на заседании Ц.К. большевиков 10 окт. ст.ст. 1917 г.; Военно-Революционный комитет Петроградского Совета (утвержден пленумом Совета 16-го октября 1917 г.)» (сканы 139-142);
«Партийный Центр Московских организаций большевиков в дни октября (Боевая пятерка)» (сканы 143-146);
«I Совет Народных Комиссаров (избран на 2-ом Всероссийском съезде Рабочих, Солдатских и Крестьянских Депутатов 26-го октября 1917 г.») (сканы 147-150)Great October
Great October. Moscow: State Publishing House, 1927; Leningrad.V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin)
Nadrebaum, Moses Solomonovich (1869-1958).V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin).V. I. Lenin (Ulyanov). The President of the Council of people's commissars
V. I. Lenin (Ulyanov). The President of the Council of people's commissars.F. E. Dzerzhinsky
Nadrebaum, Moses Solomonovich (1869-1958).F. E. Dzerzhinsky.LD Trotsky
Nappelbaum, Moses Solomonovich (1869-1958). L.D. Trotsky.Ya. M. Sverdlov
Nappelbaum, Moses Solomonovich (1869-1958). Ya. M. Sverdlov.
- Victims of the October Revolution
- November 3 (16), 1917. Funeral of Vera Klimentievna Slutskaya
Celebrations.Funeral V. K. Slutskaya in Petrograd on November 3, killed.Shot from the Gun Blind.Trains Kerensky, under the Red Soldel 30s-1917 [2]
Celebrations.Funeral V. K. Slutskaya in Petrograd on November 3, killed.Shot from the Gun Blind.Trains of Kerensky, under the Red Soldel 30s-1917 [2].Celebrations.Funeral V. K. Slutskaya in Petrograd on November 3, killed.Shot from the Gun Blind.Kerensky's trains, under the Red Selo of the 30s-1917 [1]
Celebrations.Funeral V. K. Slutskaya in Petrograd on November 3, killed.Shot from the Gun Blind.Trains of Kerensky, under the Red Selo of the 30s-1917 [1]. - Funeral of victims of clashes between Junkers and Bolsheviks on October 28-30 (November 10-12)
The graves of junkers killed on October 29, 1917 in Petrograd
The graves of Junkers killed on October 29, 1917 in Petrograd.Solemn funeral in the park of the Forest Institute of Victims, which fell in the days of the coup 28-30-x.Petrograd, 19-XI-1917 at the fraternal grave.[2]
Solemn funeral in the park of the Forest Institute of Victims, which fell in the days of the coup 28-30-x.Petrograd, 19-XI-1917 at the fraternal grave.[2].Solemn funeral in the park of the Forest Institute of Victims, which fell in the days of the coup 28-30-x.Petrograd, 19-XI-1917 at the fraternal grave.[one]
Solemn funeral in the park of the Forest Institute of Victims, which fell in the days of the coup 28-30-x.Petrograd, 19-XI-1917 at the fraternal grave.[one].Solemn funeral in the park of the Forest Institute of Victims, which fell in the days of the coup 28-30-x.Petrograd, 19-XI-1917 Boris Reinstein talks about the fraternal grave
Solemn funeral in the park of the Forest Institute of Victims, which fell in the days of the coup 28-30-x.Petrograd, 19-XI-1917 Boris Reinstein talks about the fraternal grave.The lowering of the coffin in the grave during the knees.[November 19, 1917]
The lowering of the coffin in the grave during the knees.[November 19, 1917].
- Memory of the October Revolution
- Celebrating the first anniversary of the October Revolution (November 7, 1918)
Sketch of the poster "365 revolutionary days" to the design of the city in the first anniversary of the October Revolution (1918)
Sketch of the poster "365 revolutionary days" for the design of the city in the first anniversary of the October Revolution (1918).Sketch of the poster "Sun of Freedom" for the design of the city in the first anniversary of the October Revolution (1918)
Sketch of the poster "Sun of Freedom" to design the city in the first anniversary of the October Revolution (1918).Sketch of the poster "Union of workers and peasants" for the design of the city in the first anniversary of the October Revolution (1918)
Sketch of the poster "Union of workers and peasants" for the design of the city in the first anniversary of the October Revolution (1918).Project design area in front of the opera and ballet theater (b. Mariinsky) in the first anniversary of the October Revolution (1918)
The design project in front of the Opera and Ballet Theater (b. Mariinsky) in the first anniversary of the October Revolution (1918).DECKORING PROJECT DECORDING Square (b. Palace) in the first anniversary of the October Revolution (1918)
DECORDING DECORITION OF THE SQUARE OF Uritsky (b. Palace) in the first anniversary of the October Revolution (1918).Sketch of a free poster for the design of Uritsky's area in the first anniversary of the October Revolution (1918)
Sketch of a free poster for the design of Uritsky's area in the first anniversary of the October Revolution (1918).November 7, 1918 year Uritsky square decoration
November 7, 1918 Uritsky square appearance of the year.The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St. The demonstration in Piazza Uritsky. [2]
The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St. The demonstration in Piazza Uritsky. [2].The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St. The demonstration in Piazza Uritsky. [1]
The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St. The demonstration in Piazza Uritsky. [1].The design of the facade of the Smolny building in the first anniversary of the October Revolution (1918)
The project of registration of the facade of the Smolny building in the first anniversary of the October Revolution (1918).The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St. Demonstration of the Red Army at Smolny. 8
The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St. Demonstration of the Red Army at Smolny. 8.The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St. Demonstration of the Red Army at Smolny. 6
The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St. Demonstration of the Red Army at Smolny. 6.The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St. Passage of the cavalry in front of Pine
The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St. Passage of the cavalry in front of Pine.The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution. Commissioners Petrograd commune near the building of the Smolny on the opening day of the monument to Karl Marx in Petrograd. 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St.
The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution. Commissioners Petrograd commune near the building of the Smolny on the opening day of the monument to Karl Marx in Petrograd. 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St.Draft design of labor area (b. Rougeina) in the first anniversary of the October Revolution (1918)
Draft design area of labor (b. Ruzhina) in the first anniversary of the October Revolution (1918).The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St. The demonstration in front of the Palace of labour
The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St. The demonstration in front of the Palace of labour.Opening the Palace of labour. Petrograd, 1918.
Otsup, Pyotr Adolfovich (1883-1963). Opening the Palace of labour. Petrograd, 1918.Inaugurated on the anniversary of the October revolution "Palace of labour"
Steinberg, Yakov Vladimirovich (1880-1942). Inaugurated on the anniversary of the October revolution "Palace of labour".The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St. Demonstration on Nevsky prospect. [3]
The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St. Demonstration on Nevsky prospect. [3].The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St. Demonstration on Nevsky prospect. [2]
The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St. Demonstration on Nevsky prospect. [2].The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St. Demonstration on Nevsky prospect. [1]
The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St. Demonstration on Nevsky prospect. [1].[Anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd. Mykhailivska square. 2]
[Anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd. Mykhailivska square. 2].[Anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd. Mykhailivska square. 1]
[Anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd. Mykhailivska square. 1].The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St. Demonstration on St. Isaac's square.
The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St. Demonstration on St. Isaac's square.The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St.
The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St.The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St. Car "Red newspaper"
The day of the anniversary of the first proletarian revolution in Petrograd 25-X-1 7 g. s. art. -1/7/91-X, I-1 91 8 n.St. Car "Red newspaper". - The second anniversary of the October Revolution (1919)
Hello from the front.Congratulations to comrades with the second anniversary of the victory over landowners and capitalists
Hello from the front.Congratulations to comrades with the second anniversary of the victory over landowners and capitalists. - Anniversary of the October Revolution in the USSR
Long live the XXVII anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution!
Kochergin, Nikolay Mikhailovich (artist, 1897-1974). Long live the XXVII anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution !.Long live the XXVII anniversary of the Great October Revolution! Let's give the Red Army more combat equipment for the final defeat of the enemy!
Gordon, Mikhail Abramovich (artist, 1918-2003). Long live the XXVII anniversary of the Great October Revolution! Let's give the Red Army more combat equipment for the final defeat of the enemy !.Long live the Great October Socialist Revolution!
Viktorov, V. Long live the Great October Socialist Revolution !. - Reflection of the October Revolution in Soviet Culture
Man with a gun
Terentyev. The man with the gun.Petrogradsky Gavroshi
Winds, G. (artist). Petrogradsky Gavroche.
- Newsreel
Speech by V.I. Lenin
Speech by VI Lenin. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library. Boris N. Yeltsin, 2011.В.И. Ленин произносит речь на открытии временного памятника Карлу Марксу и Фридриху Энгельсу работы скульптора С. Мезенцева. Москва. Площадь Революции (до 1918 г. – Воскресенская площадь).7 ноября 1918 г.
12 (25) октября – 26 октября (8 ноября) (сканы 80-224); Приложения (сканы 253-305)