Gorchakov Alexander (1798–1883)
- Alexander Gorchakov (1798–1883)The collection dedicated to the outstanding statesman of the Russian Empire Alexander Gorchakov features archival materials (the draft on the emancipation of serfs, correspondence on the sale of Alaska etc.), scientific research on education of Prince Gorchakov at the Imperial Lyceum in Tsarskoye Selo and Russia’s foreign policy in the second half of the 19th c., as well as visual materials and a documentary.
- Archival materials
Letters (fourteen) A.I.Philosophers from the State Chancellor of Prince A.M.Gorchakova
Philosophers Alexei Illarionovich (1799-1874), Adjutant General, teacher of the Grand Dukes of Nikolai and Mikhail Nikolaevichs, temporary military governor of St. Petersburg.Letters (fourteen) A.I.Philosophers from the State Chancellor of Prince A.M.Gorchakova.The second series of projects and notes of various persons, transferred to the Main Committee on Peasant Affairs
The Main Committee on Peasant Affairs.
The second series of projects and notes of different persons, transferred to the Main Committee on Peasant Affairs."A note about the ways to achieve the liberation of peasants from the serfdom of Prince Gorchakov", 1855 (scans 1128-1163)
The case of the service of a member of the State Council, state chancellor of Prince Alexander Mikhailovich Gorchakov
State Chancellery of the State Council.The case of the service of a member of the State Council, the state chancellor of Prince Alexander Mikhailovich Gorchakov.1856-1883
On the appointment of Privy Councilor Prince Gorchakov Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chief of Staff Tolstoy, Comrade Minister and on their entry into this post
Caucasian Committee.
On the appointment of Privy Councilor Prince Gorchakov Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chief of Staff Tolstoy, Comrade Minister and on their entry into this office.1856
On the appointment of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the actual secret adviser to Prince Gorchakov as a member of the Caucasian Committee
Caucasian Committee.
On the appointment of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the actual secret adviser to Prince Gorchakov as a member of the Caucasian Committee.1857
Attitude of the Governor of the Sea Ministry of the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich to the Minister of Foreign Affairs AM Gorchakov with the proposal to sell the Russian North American colonies to the North American United States
Konstantin Nikolayevich (Grand Duke, 1827-1892). Attitude of the Governor of the Sea Ministry of the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich to the Minister of Foreign Affairs AM Gorchakov with the proposal to sell Russian North American colonies to the North American United States. 1857.1857
Materials on the issue of the liberation of peasants from serfdom; the views of the members of the Secret Committee, the Minister of the Interior, the letter of the German scientist Hextgausen to Prince Gorchakov, the note of the members of the committee on the "Dinaburg peasants," and others.
The Main Committee on Peasant Affairs.
Materials on the issue of freeing the peasants from serfdom; the views of the members of the Secret Committee, the Minister of the Interior, the letter of the German scientist Hextgausen to Prince Gorchakov, the note of the committee members "about the Dinaburg peasants," and othersLetter from the German scientist Hexthausen to Prince Gorchakov, 1857 (scans 257-313)
Letters from Prince Alexander Mikhailovich Gorchakov PA Valuyev on the affairs of the Polish Catholic Church, about the unrest in the Western Territory, with a note on the activities of the Polish emigre Count Krasinsky in London on the preparation for th
Valuev Petr Alexandrovich, Earl (1814-1890). Minister of Internal Affairs, Minister of State Property, Chairman of the Committee of Ministers, member of the State Council.
Letters of Prince Alexander Mikhailovich Gorchakov PA Valuyev on the affairs of the Polish Catholic Church, about the unrest in the Western Territory, with a note on the activities of the Polish emigre Count Krasinsky in London on the preparation for the restoration of Poland's independence and with an extract from the letter of Lord R. Napier On the actions of Mikhail Nikolayevich Muravev on the suppression of...1861
The most recent report on April 24, 1862, and the current correspondence on the Committee established to deal with the complaints of Roman Catholic bishops in the Kingdom of Poland. The Committee consisted of: Gr.Bludova and members of the Kn.AM Gorchakov, gr. VN Panin, PA Valuyev and VP Pl
The most recent report on April 24, 1862, and the current correspondence on the Committee established to deal with the complaints of Roman Catholic bishops in the Kingdom of Poland. The Committee consisted of: Gr.Bludova and members of the Kn.AM Gorchakov, gr. VN Panin, PA Valuyev and VP Platonov.1862.“Release of notes: to Prince A. M. Gorchakov, Count V. N. Panin, P. A. Valuev and V. P. Platonov dated February 5, 1862” (scans 9-10);
“Release from the relationship with the Minister of Foreign Affairs dated February 12, № 54” (scans 11-12)Letters from Gorchakov Alexander Mikhailovich Kapnistu PA
Chicherin Boris Nikolaevich, lawyer, philosopher, professor of Moscow University, zemstvo figure.
Letters from Gorchakov Alexander Mikhailovich Kapnistu P. A.1863
Prince Gorchakov Alexander Mikhailovich
The case of the approval of Mr. Foreign Minister, Vice-Chancellor, Prince Gorchakov with the rank of honorary member of the Imperial Public Library
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).The case of the approval of Mr. Foreign Minister, Vice-Chancellor, Prince Gorchakov with the rank of honorary member of the Imperial Public Library.1864
The most outstanding report of Chancellor A. M. Gorchakov to Emperor Alexander II on awarding gold medals decorated with precious stones to the Chinese Goddess, Russian Consul in Kuldzha Pavlinov for help and care of the Chinese emigrants and frontier com
Gorchakov, Alexander Mikhailovich (1798-1883). The most outstanding report of Chancellor AM Gorchakov to Emperor Alexander II on awarding gold medals decorated with precious stones to the Chinese Goddess, Russian consul in Kuldzha Pavlinov for help and care of the Chinese emigrants and frontier commissioner Pfaffius for their help in fighting the fire in Maymachan. 1868.1868
Letters of Alexander Mikhailovich Gorchakov to A.E.Timashev
Timashev Alexander Egorovich (1818-1893).Letters of Alexander Mikhailovich Gorchakov to A.E.Timashev.1869-1875
The draft protocol of the meeting with the state chancellor, Prince Alexander Gorchakov, a secret note by P.A. Mukhanov, head of the spiritual affairs of the foreign confessions of the Kingdom of Poland, about the affairs of the Roman Catholic Church in the Kingdom of Poland,
Valuev Petr Alexandrovich, Earl (1814-1890). Minister of Internal Affairs, Minister of State Property, Chairman of the Committee of Ministers, member of the State Council.
Project from the State Chancellor Prince meeting protocol Alexander Gorchakov, head of the secret memo the spiritual affairs of foreign faiths Polish Kingdom PA Mukhanova the affairs of the Roman Catholic Church in the Kingdom of Poland, Russian dispatches envoys to Western European countries in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other materials on the cases of the relationship between the Russian government...Draft minutes of the meeting at the State Chancellor Prince Alexander Mikhailovich Gorchakov, 1870 (scans 14-16)
Correspondence (Prince Alexander Mikhailovich Gorchakov) with the Russian Ambassador to Austria (Yevgeny Petrovich) Novikov on the racial and national peculiarities of the Slavs, their situation in Austria and the ministerial meeting in Vienna to consider the question of the state
Valuev Petr Alexandrovich, Earl (1814-1890). Minister of Internal Affairs, Minister of State Property, Chairman of the Committee of Ministers, member of the State Council.
Correspondence (Prince Alexander Mikhailovich Gorchakov) with the Russian Ambassador to Austria (Yevgeny Petrovich) Novikov about the racial and national peculiarities of the Slavs, their situation in Austria and the meeting of ministers in Vienna to consider the issue of the state structure of Germany.1871
Letter from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, Terasima Munenori, to Chancellor A. M. Gorchakov on the appointment of Yoshimoto Khanabus as Charge d'Affaires of the Mission of Japan in St. Petersburg
Munenori, Terasima Letter from Foreign Minister of Japan Terasima Munenori to Chancellor AM Gorchakov on the appointment of Yoshimoto Khanabus to the Charge d'Affaires of the Mission of Japan in St. Petersburg.
- Scientific research
The Imperial Tsarskoe Selo Lyceum
Kobeko, Dmitry Fomich (1837-1918). The Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. St. Petersburg: printing house of V. F. Kirschbaum, 1911.A. M. Gorchakov in the list of the first admission of pupils of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum (scan 55);
Report card of A. M. Gorchakov dated March 19, 1812 (scans 62-63);
About the beginning of the career of A. M. Gorchakov after graduating from the Lyceum (scan 163)Essay on the History of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Russia. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Essay on the history of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
St. Petersburg: The Association of R. Golike and A. Vilborg, 1902.Chapter V "The Reign of Emperor Alexander II" (about the Minister of Foreign Affairs A. M. Gorchakov and the foreign policy of Russia during the reign of Alexander II) (scans 169-210)
- Immortalization
On the creation of the Fund for the Support of Public Diplomacy named after AM Gorchakov
Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). On the creation of the AMGorchakov Public Diplomacy Support Fund. Moscow, 2010. - Graphic materials
AS Pushkin and his contemporaries
Kalinina, T.A.A. S. Pushkin and his contemporaries.Portrait of Alexander Mikhailovich Gorchakov by F. Vernet (1817) (scans 7-8)
Ivanova, E. Lice.A. M. Gorchakov studied at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum from 1811 to 1817. He outlived his classmates, becoming the last of the lyceum students of the first set
- Video materials
Chancellor AM Gorchakov
Chancellor AM Gorchakov. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library. Boris N. Yeltsin, 2011.2023-04-28 VLECT
2023-04-28 VLECT.2023.